Enclosing streaming video in a web page

Enclosing streaming video in a web page

am 29.01.2008 16:21:16 von Captain Dondo

I am using motion
to monitor a couple of cameras. Motion provides a vrey basic mjpeg
stream via http.

AFAICT it sends http headers followed by jpeg images divided by

Content-Type: multipart/x-mixed-replace;boundary=--video boundary--

How do I go about encapsulating this stream and displaying it on a



Re: Enclosing streaming video in a web page

am 29.01.2008 20:40:43 von David Dorward

CptDondo wrote:
> AFAICT it sends http headers followed by jpeg images divided by
> Content-Type: multipart/x-mixed-replace;boundary=--video boundary--
> How do I go about encapsulating this stream and displaying it on a
> website?

Using an img element should do the trick in browsers which support this
style of server push (Firefox, Safari and Opera do, Internet Explorer does

David Dorward