Whither AJAX?

Whither AJAX?

am 31.01.2008 22:29:25 von jeff

I've been busy hacking my way through my to do list and have come to
writing an interactive help menu. I thought I'd use Ajax here in place
of a popup window. I really dislike popups.

Now, I can think of a handfull of uses for Ajax but since it operates
in the background I'm not seeing much of it the real world.

Who is using ajax in their work or using sites that use it? I'd like
to know what all the excitement is about. I feel like I'm missing


Re: Whither AJAX?

am 01.02.2008 00:16:49 von mrcakey

"Jeff" wrote in message
> I've been busy hacking my way through my to do list and have come to
> writing an interactive help menu. I thought I'd use Ajax here in place of
> a popup window. I really dislike popups.
> Now, I can think of a handfull of uses for Ajax but since it operates in
> the background I'm not seeing much of it the real world.
> Who is using ajax in their work or using sites that use it? I'd like to
> know what all the excitement is about. I feel like I'm missing
> something...

Google maps?


Re: Whither AJAX?

am 01.02.2008 01:20:02 von Mango

I currently make my living with AJAX, so you'll get some excitement from
me :)

Most of my life I've been fairly anti-JavaScript...for the simple reason
that I want my sites to be as accessible as possible...and there's STILL
the odd hit we get from someone with Netscape 4 or even 3. So even now,
on public websites at least, I use Javascript only when necessary.

My anti-JavaScriptness changed when I got given a project about two
years ago. "Write a program to keep track of our company's customers,
let staff make changes to name/address details, and have it accept
credit cards to act as a POS if a customer wants to buy something."

The company in question had relatively decent computer equipment, all
running Windows with Firefox/IE...a perfect situation in which to use
all the JavaScript tricks I'd had hidden away. Here are the advantages
to my program:

- It's just as usable and responsive as a desktop application and in
some cases is faster due to having a powerful web server.
- It's easily scalable. If they get a new employee, all they need is a
computer with internet access. There's no special software to install.
And if I wish to make an upgrade, I need only do it on the server.
- Since the application is online, remote access is a non-issue.
Employees may work from home or a branch office.
- It's inexpensive to maintain. My program currently runs off a shared
hosting server that they pay $7/month for. Of course, it could just as
easily run off a setup with a dedicated database server, and
load-balanced web servers.
- Unlimited employees, one credit card processing account.
- Uses industry-standard database such as MySQL or PostgreSQL.

I don't agree with some who say that webapps are going to replace
desktop applications. For instance, I refuse to use webmail. But,
webapps definitely made the most sense for the kind of projects I do.

Hope my point of view helps :)


Jeff wrote:
> I've been busy hacking my way through my to do list and have come to
> writing an interactive help menu. I thought I'd use Ajax here in place
> of a popup window. I really dislike popups.
> Now, I can think of a handfull of uses for Ajax but since it operates
> in the background I'm not seeing much of it the real world.
> Who is using ajax in their work or using sites that use it? I'd like
> to know what all the excitement is about. I feel like I'm missing
> something...
> Jeff

Re: Whither AJAX?

am 01.02.2008 03:08:04 von jeff

Mango wrote:
> I currently make my living with AJAX, so you'll get some excitement from
> me :)
> Most of my life I've been fairly anti-JavaScript...for the simple reason
> that I want my sites to be as accessible as possible...and there's STILL
> the odd hit we get from someone with Netscape 4 or even 3. So even now,
> on public websites at least, I use Javascript only when necessary.

It's been public or at least back end web maintenance issues I've been
interested in. But it's obvious that amongst the general populace that
javascript is widely left on. I hadn't realized google maps was AJAX and
I suppose all those chat support windows are also.

> My anti-JavaScriptness changed when I got given a project about two
> years ago. "Write a program to keep track of our company's customers,
> let staff make changes to name/address details, and have it accept
> credit cards to act as a POS if a customer wants to buy something."
> The company in question had relatively decent computer equipment, all
> running Windows with Firefox/IE...a perfect situation in which to use
> all the JavaScript tricks I'd had hidden away. Here are the advantages
> to my program:
> - It's just as usable and responsive as a desktop application and in
> some cases is faster due to having a powerful web server.
> - It's easily scalable. If they get a new employee, all they need is a
> computer with internet access. There's no special software to install.
> And if I wish to make an upgrade, I need only do it on the server.

I can really see how database type apps really benefit from this. And
that you are running this off shared hosting really knocks the socks off
of running a citrix server.

I see that there a number of AJAX libraries. What do they have to offer?

> - Since the application is online, remote access is a non-issue.
> Employees may work from home or a branch office.
> - It's inexpensive to maintain. My program currently runs off a shared
> hosting server that they pay $7/month for. Of course, it could just as
> easily run off a setup with a dedicated database server, and
> load-balanced web servers.
> - Unlimited employees, one credit card processing account.
> - Uses industry-standard database such as MySQL or PostgreSQL.
> I don't agree with some who say that webapps are going to replace
> desktop applications. For instance, I refuse to use webmail.


> webapps definitely made the most sense for the kind of projects I do.
> Hope my point of view helps :)

> -Mango
> Jeff wrote:
>> I've been busy hacking my way through my to do list and have come to
>> writing an interactive help menu. I thought I'd use Ajax here in place
>> of a popup window. I really dislike popups.
>> Now, I can think of a handfull of uses for Ajax but since it
>> operates in the background I'm not seeing much of it the real world.
>> Who is using ajax in their work or using sites that use it? I'd like
>> to know what all the excitement is about. I feel like I'm missing
>> something...
>> Jeff

Re: Whither AJAX?

am 01.02.2008 13:56:26 von TravisNewbury

On Jan 31, 7:20 pm, Mango wrote:
> I currently make my living with AJAX, so you'll get some excitement from
> me :)

There are so many cool technologies out there that open huge doors on
the web. Of course the neigh sayers poo-poo everything that isn't
completely accessible to every human on the planet. But I can hardly
hear them as I am driving to the bank to cash another check.

> I don't agree with some who say that webapps are going to replace
> desktop applications. For instance, I refuse to use webmail.

No, they will never take over. But I find it interesting about web
mail. It is one of my favorite web applications. (Of course no one
has done it right yet. Close, but no cigar)

Re: Whither AJAX?

am 01.02.2008 15:59:20 von Bergamot

Travis Newbury wrote:
> On Jan 31, 7:20 pm, Mango wrote:
>> I refuse to use webmail.
> I find it interesting about web
> mail. It is one of my favorite web applications. (Of course no one
> has done it right yet. Close, but no cigar)

I loathe web mail. Every one I've tried is slow and clumsy and in no way
better than using a real mail client, even OE. I'm curious who,
in your opinion, has it "close".


Re: Whither AJAX?

am 01.02.2008 16:43:17 von Adrienne Boswell

Gazing into my crystal ball I observed Bergamot
writing in news:60gqefF1ppo4rU1@mid.individual.net:

> Travis Newbury wrote:
>> On Jan 31, 7:20 pm, Mango wrote:
>>> I refuse to use webmail.
>> I find it interesting about web
>> mail. It is one of my favorite web applications. (Of course no one
>> has done it right yet. Close, but no cigar)
> I loathe web mail. Every one I've tried is slow and clumsy and in no
> better than using a real mail client, even OE. I'm curious who,
> in your opinion, has it "close".

I have had Yahoo web mail since 1999. I have always used an email
client (Pegusus mail). Last year, IIRC, Yahoo (webmail) switched over
to a new interface, something to make it "easier" to do mail. It's
horrible, and I have stayed with Classic. Everyone I know who has tried
the new interface switched back to the old one right away.

The thing I find interesting is how many people I know, if I say, "how
do you get your mail?", they point to the big E on their desktop and go
to Yahoo. Of course, these are all people who had BabyBell accounts
before they were swallowed up by Momma again, before the Baby got in bed
with Yahoo.

Adrienne Boswell at Home
Arbpen Web Site Design Services
Please respond to the group so others can share

Re: Whither AJAX?

am 01.02.2008 18:48:20 von Mango

Bergamot wrote:
> I loathe web mail. Every one I've tried is slow and clumsy and in no way
> better than using a real mail client, even OE. I'm curious who,
> in your opinion, has it "close".

Zimbra is, so far, the best I've seen. When I tried it, you couldn't
set multiple identities. (I use the same email client for work and
personal email.) Other than that, it's a great little app.


Re: Whither AJAX?

am 01.02.2008 18:58:28 von Mango

Jeff wrote:
> I see that there a number of AJAX libraries. What do they have to offer?

I dunno. I like to write EVERY line of code myself. I'm obsessive that
way. Having said that, here's the function that I tend to use often.


It's fairly well commented, so even if you don't end up using it, you
should be able to find some good examples.
