Wrapping up a SOAP::Lite service in a class

Wrapping up a SOAP::Lite service in a class

am 06.02.2008 12:09:34 von Mark Knoop


It's Mark's class workshop today :)

I want to wrap up a SOAP service handle (returned from a call to a wsdl
file) in a class (ultimately so I can make it a singleton and only call it
once but we'll leave that for the purposes of this example).

So if I have something like this (calling a random public SOAP service)

use strict;
use warnings;
use SOAP::Lite;
use Data::Dumper;
my $service =
SOAP::Lite->service('http://ws.cisa.ca/WehireWS/JobsWs.asmx? WSDL');
my $result = $service->GetAll;
print Dumper($result);

It works fine and I get

$VAR1 = {
'JobDetail' => {
'PostingDate' => '1/30/2006',
'Location' => 'British Columbia',
'Url' =>
'Category' => 'Construction',
'Company' => 'XS West Construction Group',
'Title' => 'Equipment Operator'

However if I try to abstract it into my own class eg


package Soap;
use strict;
use warnings;
use SOAP::Lite;

sub new {

my $class = shift;

my $self =
SOAP::Lite->service('http://ws.cisa.ca/WehireWS/JobsWs.asmx? WSDL');

bless ($self, $class);

return $self;




use strict;
use warnings;
use Soap;
use Data::Dumper;
my $service = Soap->new;
my $result = $service->GetAll;
print Dumper($result);


I get

Can't locate object method "GetAll" via package "Soap" at soap2.pl line 6.

I don't expect anyone to read the SOAP::Lite documentation for me but I am
wondering whether there is anything fundamentally flawed in my approach?


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RE: Wrapping up a SOAP::Lite service in a class

am 06.02.2008 13:22:38 von Brian Raven

Mark Knoop <> wrote:
> Hi
> =

> It's Mark's class workshop today :)
> =

> I want to wrap up a SOAP service handle (returned from a call to a
> wsdl =

> file) in a class (ultimately so I can make it a singleton and only
> call it once but we'll leave that for the purposes of this example). =

> =

> So if I have something like this (calling a random public SOAP
> service) =

> =

> use strict;
> use warnings;
> use SOAP::Lite;
> use Data::Dumper;
> my $service =3D
> SOAP::Lite->service('http://ws.cisa.ca/WehireWS/JobsWs.asmx? WSDL');
> my $result =3D $service->GetAll;
> print Dumper($result);
> =

> It works fine and I get
> =

> $VAR1 =3D {
> 'JobDetail' =3D> {
> 'PostingDate' =3D> '1/30/2006',
> 'Location' =3D> 'British Columbia',
> 'Url' =3D>
> 'http://www.wehire.ca/view.php?job_id=3D1408',
> 'Category' =3D> 'Construction',
> 'Company' =3D> 'XS West Construction Group',
> 'Title' =3D> 'Equipment Operator'
> }
> };
> =

> However if I try to abstract it into my own class eg
> =

> #############
> =

> package Soap;
> use strict;
> use warnings;
> use SOAP::Lite;
> =

> sub new {
> =

> my $class =3D shift;
> =

> my $self =3D
> SOAP::Lite->service('http://ws.cisa.ca/WehireWS/JobsWs.asmx? WSDL');
> =

> bless ($self, $class);
> =

> return $self;
> =

> }
> =

> 1;
> =

> ################
> =

> use strict;
> use warnings;
> use Soap;
> use Data::Dumper;
> my $service =3D Soap->new;
> my $result =3D $service->GetAll;
> print Dumper($result);
> =

> #################
> =

> I get
> =

> Can't locate object method "GetAll" via package "Soap" at soap2.pl
> line 6. =

> =

> I don't expect anyone to read the SOAP::Lite documentation for me but
> I am wondering whether there is anything fundamentally flawed in my
> approach? =

Yes there is. Basically, you are re-blessing the object returned by
SOAP::Lite::service into your package namespace, and I don't see a
subroutine named GetAll defined there. You should store the returned
object in a container (hash or array), which you bless into your package
namespace. But that only fixes the first part of your problem, you still
don't have a subroutine named GetAll. You can delegate subroutine calls
to your class using the AUTOLOAD feature, see at least 'perldoc perlobj'
and 'perldoc perltoot' for help with that.

However, do you really want to go to all that trouble when all you seem
to be doing is hiding the service URL and only calling
SOAP::Lite::service once? The following would seem to be a simpler way
for Soap.pm to accomplish that:

use strict;
use warnings;

package Soap;

use SOAP::Lite;

our $service;
our $url =3D 'http://ws.cisa.ca/WehireWS/JobsWs.asmx?WSDL';

sub service {
$service =3D SOAP::Lite->service($url)
unless defined $service;
return $service;


Then all you need in Soap.pl is:

use strict;
use warnings;

use Soap;
use Data::Dumper;

my $result =3D Soap::service->GetAll;
print Dumper($result);


-- =

Brian Raven =

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