

am 06.03.2008 17:44:27 von Troy Bull


Does anyone know what happened to Date-Calc, I used to be able to get
it via ppm but it seems to be missing now (as of yesterday afternoon).

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Re: Date-Calc

am 07.03.2008 04:54:00 von Mike Gillis

Troy Bull wrote:
> Greetings
> Does anyone know what happened to Date-Calc, I used to be able to get
> it via ppm but it seems to be missing now (as of yesterday afternoon).

Hi Troy,

It is missing for the moment, and I am tracking it down as we speak -- I
responded to this on perl-win32-users recently too, so sorry to anyone who is
reading this twice -- due to taking care of an unfortunate bug in some
compiled modules on our repositories, we took down the bugged versions and
we're swapping in nice fresh new unbugged PPMs.

The bug, which was also detailed on the other mailing list, is that some PPMs
were linking to MSVCR71.dll rather than MSVCRT.dll. Most people won't notice
this; MSVCR71.dll comes with the .NET Framework v1.1, and more Windows users
(especially devs) tend to have that installed than not. However, it makes
redistribution of Perl apps a little bit more of an (unintentional) pain.

Date-Calc will be back on the repositories by tomorrow night (Vancouver time)
at the latest; in the meantime, you should be able to track down a PPM via
Randy Kobes' handy listings, e.g. at the bottom of this page:

We don't officially support any third-party code or repositories, but it
generally works out pretty well; Randy's site is well-kept.

Again, sorry for the (hopefully-brief) outage.

Mike Gillis
Languages Development
ActiveState Software
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