console screen display problem
am 11.03.2008 14:22:21 von Dermot Paikkos
I have installed CentOS on an old Toshiba laptop but the console is
not using all the available screen. There is a black border all the
way round the console or X screen. How do you configure the console
size? I did some tests with resizecon but that just changes the
character spacing it did nothing to the display window.
Can anyone advise me thanx,
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Re: console screen display problem
am 11.03.2008 22:06:49 von adamb
Dermot Paikkos wrote:
> I have installed CentOS on an old Toshiba laptop but the console is
> not using all the available screen. There is a black border all the
> way round the console or X screen. How do you configure the console
> size? I did some tests with resizecon but that just changes the
> character spacing it did nothing to the display window.
That option may only be available in your BIOS settings. On my old HP
laptop the option is called "Video Expansion", and when it is enabled it
stretches lower resolutions to fit the whole screen.
Hope that helps.
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Re: console screen display problem
am 19.03.2008 13:27:43 von Dermot Paikkos
I dismissed this idea at first sight. After hammering all the buttons
I could to get into the BIOS, I saw this setting and presto, it
works. Thanx Adam.
On 11 Mar 2008 at 21:06, Adam T. Bowen wrote:
> Dermot Paikkos wrote:
> > I have installed CentOS on an old Toshiba laptop but the console is
> > not using all the available screen. There is a black border all the
> > way round the console or X screen. How do you configure the console
> > size? I did some tests with resizecon but that just changes the
> > character spacing it did nothing to the display window.
> That option may only be available in your BIOS settings. On my old HP
> laptop the option is called "Video Expansion", and when it is enabled it
> stretches lower resolutions to fit the whole screen.
> Hope that helps.
> Cheers
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