FW: Delivery Status Notification(Failure)
am 16.03.2008 22:27:02 von David Christensenactiveperl:
I received the following bounce message when posting to the
activeperl@listserv.ActiveState.com mailing list.
-----Original Message-----
From: postmaster@airtel.blackberry.com
Sent: Sunday, March 16, 2008 2:19 PM
To: dpchrist@holgerdanske.com
Subject: Delivery Status Notification(Failure)
Your message:
To: satishkaushik@airtel.blackberry.com
Subject: missing module for MSWin32 Devel::Cover
Sent Date: Sun Mar 16 14:18:53 2008
has not been delivered to the recipient's BlackBerry Handheld.
The returned error status is
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