how to change the response text of the httpd server while the server is sending its response text to

how to change the response text of the httpd server while the server is sending its response text to

am 27.03.2008 17:08:42 von halil.agin

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Hello List;

I want to change the response text of the httpd server while the server is
sending its response text to the client.

However, i wnat to this action by looking at the its html header.
If html header has a special meta tag, i want to add a previosly determined
html code as a last html element of the html body.

I searched on the web and looked apache module list.
It seems that i can do this job by the help of mod_filter.
But i am not sure, maybe i have to write a apache module.

I am still searching, but maybe you know the answer.
How can i do this jod?

Thank you very much,

-halil agin.

Content-Type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1
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Hello List;

I want to change the response text of the httpd server while the server is sending its response text to the client.

However, i wnat to this action by looking at the its html header.
If html header has a special meta tag, i want to add a previosly determined html code  as  a last html element of the html body.

I searched on the web and looked apache module list.
It seems that i can do this job by the help of mod_filter.
But i am not sure, maybe i have to write a apache module.

I am still searching, but maybe you know the answer.

How can i do this jod?

Thank you very much,

-halil agin.


Re: how to change the response text of the httpd server while the server is sending its response tex

am 27.03.2008 17:18:15 von Joshua Slive

Z21haWwuY29tPiB3cm90ZToKPiBIZWxsbyBMaXN0Owo+Cj4gSSB3YW50IHRv IGNoYW5nZSB0aGUg
cmVzcG9uc2UgdGV4dCBvZiB0aGUgaHR0cGQgc2VydmVyIHdoaWxlIHRoZSBz ZXJ2ZXIgaXMKPiBz
ZW5kaW5nIGl0cyByZXNwb25zZSB0ZXh0IHRvIHRoZSBjbGllbnQuCj4KPgo+ IEhvd2V2ZXIsIGkg
d25hdCB0byB0aGlzIGFjdGlvbiBieSBsb29raW5nIGF0IHRoZSBpdHMgaHRt bCBoZWFkZXIuCj4g
ZXZpb3NseSBkZXRlcm1pbmVkCj4gaHRtbCBjb2RlICBhcyAgYSBsYXN0IGh0 bWwgZWxlbWVudCBv
cGFjaGUgbW9kdWxlIGxpc3QuCj4gSXQgc2VlbXMgdGhhdCBpIGNhbiBkbyB0 aGlzIGpvYiBieSB0
aGUgaGVscCBvZiBtb2RfZmlsdGVyLgo+IEJ1dCBpIGFtIG5vdCBzdXJlLCBt YXliZSBpIGhhdmUg
dG8gd3JpdGUgYSBhcGFjaGUgbW9kdWxlLgo+Cj4gSSBhbSBzdGlsbCBzZWFy Y2hpbmcsIGJ1dCBt
YXliZSB5b3Uga25vdyB0aGUgYW5zd2VyLgo+ICBIb3cgY2FuIGkgZG8gdGhp cyBqb2Q/CgpGb3Ig
cHJvdG90eXBpbmcsIHlvdSBjb3VsZCB1c2UgbW9kX2V4dF9maWx0ZXIuIEJ1 dCBpZiB5b3UgbmVl
ZApoaWdoLXBlcmZvcm1hbmNlLCB5b3UnbGwgcHJvYmFibHkgbmVlZCBhIGN1 c3RvbSBtb2R1bGUu