Re: Spam on the increase?

Re: Spam on the increase?

am 31.03.2008 14:53:54 von Lars Eighner

In our last episode, , the
lovely and talented sheldonlg broadcast on comp.lang.php:

> What is happening here. It seems that there is about a 100-fold
> increase in the spam messages appearing here compared to just a few
> months ago.

Yes, there is a big increase. Googlegroups makes absolutely no effort to
verify accounts before allowing unlimited posting to USENET, and apparently
never takes any action against Chinese spammers. Perhaps that is part of
their deal with the Chinese government.

Google has not been exactly subtle in its attempts to convert the public
USENET into their proprietary Googlegroups. Most USENET providers make some
effort to verify accounts before extending posting priviledges or to monitor
mass postings. But Googlegroups makes establishing throw-away accounts easy
and hardly ever acts on complaints about spamming. If you killfile
googlegroups, you will reduce spam to practically nothing.

> Is there a way for the server(s) to filter out the span?
> Does it depend on your newsgroup provided? (I did switch to Giganews a
> few months ago. I was with earthlink before.).

Lars Eighner
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