Re: Pure space directly inside div ignored, but pure space directly inside span honored

Re: Pure space directly inside div ignored, but pure space directly inside span honored

am 29.03.2008 11:03:54 von Ben C

On 2008-03-29, John Hosking wrote:
> wrote [both here and in c.i.w.a.s]:
> Folks who multi-post tend to have more trouble getting help than other
> folks. (Today's your lucky day. ;-) ) Many in Usenet automatically
> ignore posts from those using GoogleGroups, so that's already a strike
> against you. Don't make it hard on yourself to get help. In any case,
> your post is clearly out of place in c.i.w.a.s, as it has nothing to do
> with stylesheets.

Whitespace collapsing is defined in CSS (as well as in HTML).

>> i found that there is a rule regarding "pure space" directly inside a
>> block element or directly inside an inline element. For the following
>> example, in compliance strict mode:
> I don't know what "compliance strict mode" is, but take a look at
> and see if it helps
> you. You may be especially interested in the sentence,
> "In particular, user agents should collapse input white space sequences
> when producing output inter-word space."