Re: Procmail; Spam Filtering Questions

Re: Procmail; Spam Filtering Questions

am 31.03.2008 12:30:53 von birre

On 2008-03-11 05:09, carlos gonzales wrote:

> 2. Send and autoreply to any mail flagged as spam, as a failsafe in case
> "good" mail get's through.

Read what Grant answered about this.

I know how stupid it is to reply to spam since I have some users that was
attacked by spammers. (the spammers was using their address as sender on
millions of spam)

When I saw the returned post from mail servers I was thinking like:
geez , how stupid can a postmaster be and still allowed to keep the job.

They claimed it was spam since all headers was faked, and the contents was
spam, and then send it back since they think the spammer fake everything
but use his own address as sender :-/

I have good filters that block most spam, but bounces from a remote MTA should
not be filtered, since one can do a typo by mistake and will be notified.

Grey list and things don't help either if spam is delivered by bounce from
other MTA's

You must use filters that reject spam, not bounce or auto answer them,
the sender is faked in best case, or is stolen from a victim that you
terrorize so they can't use email for a week until the spammers take the next
sender address on their list of victims.

Don't help spammers to delivery their shit.

In short, if spam pass your filters so it can't be rejected, you must drop it
later, since you don't know who sent it, and no, it's NOT the sender address.
