Receiving error when saving starter kit project

Receiving error when saving starter kit project

am 01.04.2008 04:49:20 von Tony K

"The operation could not be completed. No such interface supported."

Dell Inspirion E1705, 1GB RAM, Windows Vista Ultimate

I can start debugging and the website appears in my browser with pics so
that tells me that data is being retrieved from the db file.

Not sure what is going on. I receive this error when saving a new website.
This one in particular is a starter kit for the Business website. I found
some things to try from search results but none helped.

What I tried:
1) From the command prompt: Ran the following command and hit "y" when
reg delete
HKLM\Software\Microsoft\MSDN\8.0\Packages\{6E87CFAD-6C05-4ad f-9CD7-3B7943875B7C}
/v CodeBase

2) Tried to register actxprxy.dll with "regsvr32 actxprxy.dll" Said it was
successful but still receive the error message.

Seems like this is a big problem from the search results, but no solution
has been found.

Thanks in advance,

Tony K.