FP extension list method broken

FP extension list method broken

am 01.04.2008 03:35:54 von eravin

My Apache 1.3 with FP extensions allows users to upload their content,
but the FP client is unable to do a directory listing - the response
from the extensions is always empty.

The client (FP 2003) sends an RPC message like this:

method=list+documents%3a4%2e0%2e2%2e4222&service%5fname=&lis tHiddenDocs
=false&listExplorerDocs=false&listRecurse=false&listFiles=tr ue&listFold
ers=true&listLinkInfo=true&listIncludeParent=true&listDerive d=false&
listBorders=false&listChildWebs=true&initialUrl=&platform=Wi nI386

And the response from the FP extensions looks like this:

"Content-type: application/x-vermeer-rpc\r
vermeer RPC packet

method=list documents:


