How can I force qry field to display Yes/No or True/False?

How can I force qry field to display Yes/No or True/False?

am 31.03.2008 01:00:18 von MLH

Here's my field in qry907908CheckSumData:

IsVehicActive([tblVehicleJobs].[VehicleJobID],"qry907908Chec kSumData")

Clicking on the field in the QBE grid, FORMAT property setting for
this field are NUMERIC only. I want to choose Yes/No - but that ain't
a choice.

(1) Why not?
(2) What can I do to MAKE it a choice?

Function IsVehicActive(WhichCar As Long, CallingProcedure As String)
As Boolean
.... blah, blah, blah ...

End Function

Re: How can I force qry field to display Yes/No or True/False?

am 31.03.2008 01:08:25 von Rick Brandt

MLH wrote:
> Here's my field in qry907908CheckSumData:
> Active:
> IsVehicActive([tblVehicleJobs].[VehicleJobID],"qry907908Chec kSumData")
> Clicking on the field in the QBE grid, FORMAT property setting for
> this field are NUMERIC only. I want to choose Yes/No - but that ain't
> a choice.
> (1) Why not?
> (2) What can I do to MAKE it a choice?
> Function IsVehicActive(WhichCar As Long, CallingProcedure As String)
> As Boolean
> ... blah, blah, blah ...
> End Function

You are not limited to the choices in the list. Use the keyboard.

Rick Brandt, Microsoft Access MVP
Email (as appropriate) to...
RBrandt at Hunter dot com