Correlation between linux-2.6-stable kernel tree and linux-

Correlation between linux-2.6-stable kernel tree and linux-

am 02.04.2008 15:33:25 von Yegor Yefremov

Hi all,

I've recently checked the linux-2.6-stable kernel tree out
( -stable.git;a=summary).
During configuration I found out that some files are missing for example
arch/arm/mach-pxa/pxa300.c, arch/arm/mach-pxa/pxa320.c and so on. These
files are contained in the linux- As as I understand
the linux-2.6-stable kernel tree reflects the latest stable kernel (i
this case Why are these files missing? Where can I get info
about git kernel tree structure with verbose description of the git trees?

Best regards,
Yegor Yefremov

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