Time GMT down

Time GMT down

am 02.04.2008 16:38:53 von nonce999

Periodically time server returned from Apache (WinXP SO) to PHP is
not Correct.
So to restore must stop and restart.
In logo, when the time is correct (14:02:12) appear: - - [31/Mar/2008: 12:02:12 +0200]
When is not correct (12:02:12) appear: - - [31/Mar/2008: 12:02:12 +0000]
It is as if the lost based on local time and not maintain the GMT.
Do it is possible to correct this problem?


Re: Time GMT down

am 02.04.2008 16:45:05 von Hans-Werner Hilse


nonce999 wrote:

> Periodically time server returned from Apache (WinXP SO) to PHP is=20
> not Correct.
> So to restore must stop and restart.=20
> In logo, when the time is correct (14:02:12) appear:=20
> - - [31/Mar/2008: 12:02:12 +0200]=20
> When is not correct (12:02:12) appear:=20
> - - [31/Mar/2008: 12:02:12 +0000]=20

This looks like the httpd's log file output. Where does PHP come into
play? If your problem is really about the httpd, you should be better
asking this in a web server NG or the dedicated forum for your
distribution of Apache...

Most probably it's a wrong program environment setup. And what time
offset would be really correct for you? At least the mail you wrote
states =BBGMT=AB, which wouldn't match your statement on the timestamp w/
offset +0200 as being =BBcorrect=AB.


Re: Time GMT down

am 02.04.2008 17:22:17 von nonce999

I believe that the problem may depend on some instruction in some php
But I do not know what to look for.
I tried date_default_timezone_set, putenv, setlocale but have not
found anything suspicious.


Re: Time GMT down

am 02.04.2008 17:38:14 von Hans-Werner Hilse


On 02 Apr 2008 15:22:17 GMT nonce999 wrote:

> I believe that the problem may depend on some instruction in some php
> script.
> But I do not know what to look for.
> I tried date_default_timezone_set, putenv, setlocale but have not
> found anything suspicious.

I don't run PHP on Windows, so maybe someone else can comment on
specific issues in that environment. I can certainly tell that on Linux
the timezone setting does *not* cascade up to the Apache process
handling the request. But then, I don't know about environment and
locale set up on Windows machines. Maybe someone else can help you...
