

am 02.04.2008 18:53:42 von Octavian Rasnita


I know that ppm works under ActivePerl, but I've seen that it can be
installed with cpan under Linux even when not using ActivePerl.
However, it doesn't work because anything I search for, it can't find, and I
can't even add repositories.

I want to install DBD::Oracle under Linux without needing to install the
Oracle client before, and I know that at least for Windows there is a ppm
repository that offer the DBD::Oracle packaged with the Oracle client, and I
hoped I could do the same thing under Linux.

Is it possible at all? Is it possible only if I install ActivePerl for



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RE: ppm

am 03.04.2008 00:53:54 von Jan Dubois

On Wed, 02 Apr 2008, Octavian Rasnita wrote:
> I want to install DBD::Oracle under Linux without needing to install the
> Oracle client before, and I know that at least for Windows there is a ppm
> repository that offer the DBD::Oracle packaged with the Oracle client, and I
> hoped I could do the same thing under Linux.
> Is it possible at all? Is it possible only if I install ActivePerl for
> Linux?

It will only be possible if your Perl has been compiled with the same options
as ActivePerl. For example, if your Perl is not using ithreads on Linux, then
the PPM packages will not be compatible.


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Re: ppm

am 03.04.2008 07:54:14 von Octavian Rasnita

Hi Jan,

Thank you. Yes, my perl has ithreads support. I don't know if it was
compiled with all other necessary options, but I would like to try.

Please tell me where can I get the DBD::Oracle ppm package from, because I
think I will need to download and install it locally using ppm.

Thank you.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Jan Dubois"
To: "'Octavian Rasnita'" ;

Sent: Thursday, April 03, 2008 1:53 AM
Subject: RE: ppm

> On Wed, 02 Apr 2008, Octavian Rasnita wrote:
>> I want to install DBD::Oracle under Linux without needing to install the
>> Oracle client before, and I know that at least for Windows there is a ppm
>> repository that offer the DBD::Oracle packaged with the Oracle client,
>> and I
>> hoped I could do the same thing under Linux.
>> Is it possible at all? Is it possible only if I install ActivePerl for
>> Linux?
> It will only be possible if your Perl has been compiled with the same
> options
> as ActivePerl. For example, if your Perl is not using ithreads on Linux,
> then
> the PPM packages will not be compatible.
> Cheers,
> -Jan

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