How to read sequentially from a random point in a large Xml File.
am 03.04.2008 22:02:00 von SchwartzbergHello
Have a huge XML file with multitudes of "LogEntry" nodes / text
A small sample of this xml/text content is below.
The file could be anywhere between 200 to 2000 MB.
My questions comes in two parts.
I would like a solution (or ideas for it), in C#, -- to randomly
access a really huge xml file, and to sequentially read only the
"memory permiting" number of nodes into memory, from a place randomly
selected in the huge file. The application otherwise returns an out
of memory error or gets very slow, if i try to load the entire file,
because the user like to "scroll" through the file, viewing different
parts. Like when scrolling through a huge Word document.
How is this (best) done?
What is, and/or how would i estimate, the max amount of xml or text
from the file that the application can have in it's memory? The
application is both a web applicatin and a windows standalone.
On a 32bit machine with 2GB Ram, the virual memory is 2GB, which gives
an answer.
But i have a Java app that goes in a unhandled heap error already when
loading xml from a 200MB size file.
Any ideas, solutions, or links concerning the above (especially (A))?
One avenue is to try to base a sequential reader on a random access
I tried this idea. I based the XmlTextReader (for seqeuntial read) on
the FileStream (for randon access), but this didnt work. There is
some test code at the bottom of this email that shows some of this.
I used the FileStream for random access via the FileStream.Seek(..)
But the XmlTextReader.Read() didn't start reading from the new
The following:
would read from a the new position, but it didnt effect the
positioning of XmlTextReader.Read().
Even though XmlTextReader is based on the same FileStream.
It caused though the last read of the XmlTextReader to validate the
xml erroneously (when the xml was actually ok).
An alternative is to base a StreamReader on a FileStream.
The StreamReader.BaseStream is available for random access, and the
StreamReader is there for sequential read.
But i think the same problem is there, as when basing the
XmlTextReader on the FileStream.
As a side thought to the problem, - it could be more easily solved if
MicroSoft offered an indexing mechanism (for application purposes) on
NTSF files. But this isn't the case. Or if i could load the huge
file into a database table, but the requirement is only to use xml
files (or flat files), so this isn't an option.
This question involves several "technologies". So i am posting it on
several newsgroups.
Here's a sample of the XML:
Each "LogEntry" node is viewed as line of text in a GridView
Some test code using XmlTextReader(FileStream) based on a file with
the above xml.
I used the VS debugger to look into the variables.
System.IO.FileStream fs = null;
int i = 0;
long[] bookMarks = new long[4000];
String[] linesOfText = new String[4000];
byte[] aBuffer = new byte[1000];
char[] charBuffer = new char[1000];
fs = new FileStream("c:\\aXMLfile.xml",
System.Xml.XmlTextReader reader = new
long lngthOfFS = fs.Length;
Boolean a = false;
while (reader.Read())
bookMarks[i] = fs.Position;
StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(fs);
if (i == 2)
fs.Read(aBuffer, 0, aBuffer.Length);
fs.Position = 0;
fs.Read(aBuffer, 0, aBuffer.Length);
for (int g = 0; g < aBuffer.Length; g++)
charBuffer[g] = (char)aBuffer[g];
linesOfText[i] = "Attribute count: "
+ reader.AttributeCount
+ ", NodeType: "
+ reader.NodeType
+ ", Name: "
+ reader.Name
+ ", value: "
+ reader.Value;
a = reader.HasAttributes;
if (reader.HasAttributes)
for (int ii = 0; ii < reader.AttributeCount; ii
linesOfText[i] = linesOfText[i]
+ "Attribute " + ii.ToString() + ":"
+ ", Name: "
+ reader.Name
+ ", value: "
+ reader.Value;
catch(Exception e)
String message = e.ToString();
fs.Unlock(0, fs.Length);
Other references:
Efficient Techniques for Modifying Large XML Files
XML Reader with Bookmarks
The Best of Both Worlds: Combining XPath with the XmlReader
Comments to references:
Helena Kupkova developed a XmlBookmarkReader class (based on
XmlReader). But when XmlBookmarkReader sets a bookmark on a read
node, it caches it and the following node, to be able to "replay" the
bookmark when it is needed. On huge files, an early bookmark will
cache the xml content of the file until the applicaiton runs out of
Dare Obasanjo XPathReader doesnt avoid a sequential read of the file,
testing for each read, for a match for one or more xpaths. For a new
XPath, the code would have to seqential reading from the start of the