Email Stats with sendmail

Email Stats with sendmail

am 04.04.2008 19:12:06 von Jim G

I found this program that runs via cron on your linux box that just parses
through your maillog and then emails you some stats every day. I have this
setup to email me at 4am along with my logwatch files. Just copy and paste
the contents below into a file, chmod it to 755, setup your cron and your
good to go.



# works with perl 4

# sendmail_stats Version 0.09
# (c) 2000-2002 Jeremy C. Reed
# this is free, but use at your own risk

# use like in your crontab:
#30 5 * * * nobody /usr/contrib/bin/gunzip -c /var/log/maillog.0.gz |\
# /usr/local/bin/sendmail_stats | /usr/bin/mail -s "sendmail stats"

#for appending "@" and host name
$default_hostname = '';

$top_amt = 20;

$debug = 0; # 2 is more verbose

# show the total bytes received for each individual email address in the log
$report_individual_bytes = 1; # 0 is off

# make email addresses all lower case (so it will be case-insensitive)
$lowercase = 1; # 0 if off

## MAIN routine

while ($line = <>) {

if ($line =~
/^(\w+)\s+(\d+)\s(\d+):(\d+:\d+)\s+([\w-]+)\s+([\w-]+)\[(\d+ )\]:\s(\w+\d+):\s(.+)$/)

if ($debug) { print "log line in expected format\n"; }
if ($debug > 1) { print "$line\n"; }

$month = $1;
$day = $2;
$hour = $3;
$min_sec = $4;
$host = $5;
$daemon = $6;
$pid = $7;
$id = $8;
$data = $9;

# get log start time
if (! $log_start_time) { $log_start_time = "$month $day $hour
$min_sec"; }

if ($daemon eq 'sendmail' || $daemon eq 'sm-mta') {

if ($data =~ /from=(.+),\ssize=/) {
$from = $1;
$from =~ s/[><]//g;
if ($from eq "") { # from a Mailer-Daemon
$from = "<>";

if ($lowercase) { $from = lc ($from); }
if ($debug) { print "sender is $from\n"; }

if ($data =~ / size=(\d+)\,\s/) {
$size = $1;
$sizes{$id} += $size;
$total_size += $size;

if ($data =~ / relay=(.+)[$:]/) {
$relay = $1;
if ($relay =~ /may be/) { $relay =~ s/(.*) \(may be/$1/; }
if ($debug) { print "sending host is $relay\n"; }

} # from=
elsif (($data =~ /to=(.+)\, ctladdr=(.+), delay=/) ||
($data =~ /to=(.+)\, delay=/)) {
$to = $1;
if ($2) {
$to = $2;
$to =~ s/ \(\d+\/\d+\)//g;

if ($data =~ / stat=([^ ]+)/) {
$stat = $1;

if ($stat eq "Sent") {
if ($data =~ / mailer=([^,]+)\,\s/) {
$mailer = $1;

if ($mailer eq "relay") {
$local_size += $sizes{$id};
delete ($sizes{$id});
if ($mailer eq "local" || $mailer eq "prog" ||
$mailer eq "virtual" || $mailer eq "*file*") {

$to =~ s/[<"](.+)[>"]/$1/;
if ($lowercase) { $to = lc ($to); }
if ($to =~ /\,/) {
foreach $username (split (/\,/, $to)) {
if ($username !~ /@/) {
$username = $username . '@' . $default_hostname;
if ($debug) { print "local delivery to $username\n"; }
if ($report_individual_bytes) {
$individual_size{$username} += $sizes{$id};
if ($debug) { print "$username received $sizes{$id}
bytes \n"; }
else {
if ($debug) { print "local delivery to $to\n"; }
if ($report_individual_bytes) {
$individual_size{$to} += $sizes{$id};
if ($debug) { print "$to received $sizes{$id} bytes \n"; }

$local_size += $sizes{$id};
delete ($sizes{$id});

} # a local delivery
elsif ($mailer =~ /smtp|^relay$/i) {

if ($data =~ / relay=([^,]+),\s.+$/) {
$relay = $1;
if ($debug) { print "destination host is $relay\n"; }

} # sent out

} # mailer=


} # stat is Sent
else {
if ($debug) {
print "sending problem \"stat=$stat\" ($sending_problems)\n";
} # to=

# $months{$month}++;
# $days{$day}++;
# $total++;
else {
if ($debug) { print "log line not in expected format:\n$line\n"; }

# get log start time
$log_end_time = "$month $day $hour $min_sec";

## 1048576 is one meg
$total_size_mb = sprintf ("%.1f", ($total_size/1048576));
$local_size_mb = sprintf ("%.1f", ($local_size/1048576));

print < Sendmail log analysis

Log starts at $log_start_time and ends at $log_end_time

Total bytes transferred: $total_size ($total_size_mb MB)
Total bytes In: $local_size ($local_size_mb MB)
Messages Out: $sent_messages
Messages In: $received_messages
Sending Problems: $sending_problems


#print "from_count $from_count\n";

$max = 0;
for ($c = 0; $c < 24; $c++) {
if ($c < 10) { $i = "0$c"; }
else { $i = $c; }
if ($hours{$i} > $max) { $max = $hours{$i}; }

$scale = int($max/50);
$scale = 1 if $scale == 0;

print "Messages per hour (each dot is $scale messages)\n________________\n";

for ($c = 0; $c < 24; $c++) {
if ($c < 10) { $i = "0$c"; }
else { $i = $c; }
printf("%3d: %6d %s\n", $i, $hours{$i}, "." x int($hours{$i}/$scale));


print "\n";

## end

sub show_sending_hosts {
$count = 0;
print "\nTop $top_amt Sending Hosts\n____________________\n";

foreach $key (sort {
$sending_hosts{$b} <=> $sending_hosts{$a} }
keys %sending_hosts) {
if ($count <= $top_amt) {
print "$sending_hosts{$key}\t$key\n";
$total_sending_host_messages += $sending_hosts{$key};

print "\n$total_sending_hosts sending hosts attempted
$total_sending_host_messages messages\n";
} # show_sending_hosts

sub show_destination_hosts {
$count = 0;
print "\nTop $top_amt Destination Hosts\n________________________\n";

foreach $key (sort {
$destination_hosts{$b} <=> $destination_hosts{$a} }
keys %destination_hosts) {
if ($count <= $top_amt) {
print "$destination_hosts{$key}\t$key\n";
$total_destination_host_messages += $destination_hosts{$key};

print "\n$total_destination_hosts destination hosts received
$total_destination_host_messages messages\n";

} # show_destination_hosts

sub show_local_deliveries {
$count = 0;
print "\nTop $top_amt Local Deliveries\n";
if ($report_individual_bytes) {
print "Bytes\tEmails\tAccount\n";
print "_______________________\n";

foreach $key (sort {
$local_deliveries{$b} <=> $local_deliveries{$a} }
keys %local_deliveries) {
if ($count <= $top_amt) {
if ($report_individual_bytes) {
print "$individual_size{$key}\t";
print "$local_deliveries{$key}\t$key\n";
$total_local_messages += $local_deliveries{$key};
"\n$local_accounts local accounts received mail ($total_local_messages
messages combined).\n";

} # show_local_deliveries

sub show_senders {
$count = 0;
print "\nTop $top_amt Senders\n______________\n";

foreach $key (sort {
$senders{$b} <=> $senders{$a} }
keys %senders) {
if ($count <= $top_amt) {
print "$senders{$key}\t$key\n";
$total_senders_messages += $senders{$key};
"\n$total_senders senders sent a combined $total_senders_messages

} # show_senders

sub show_data {

print < $month $day $hour $min_sec
$host $daemon
$pid pid


} #show data