directory display options
am 05.04.2008 14:55:38 von Mark Scalise
I have a folder on my web server and I want to display the contents
publicly as a directory of files. I have FancyIndexing enabled, and my
long filenames are displaying correctly, but I would like to spruce up
the directory and have it display in the default IE webpage font
instead of the plain text font. I might also like to get rid of or
change the icons. How can I do this? Running on Apache 1.3.31. Thanks.
Re: directory display options
am 05.04.2008 23:29:24 von Kees Nuyt
On Sat, 5 Apr 2008 05:55:38 -0700 (PDT), Mark Scalise
>I have a folder on my web server and I want to display the contents
>publicly as a directory of files. I have FancyIndexing enabled, and my
>long filenames are displaying correctly, but I would like to spruce up
>the directory and have it display in the default IE webpage font
>instead of the plain text font. I might also like to get rid of or
>change the icons. How can I do this? Running on Apache 1.3.31. Thanks.
tells the whole story.
More specifically: ername
shows how to use your own preamble.
Specify an appropriate stylesheet for the elements used
in a directory listing and you're done.
You can change the icons by providing other ones in the
/icons/ directory, or specifying your own. Read con
for details.
There are several sites which offer free icons the web.
( Kees
c[_] Sense is not cognition but sensation.
(Douglas Robinson) (#190)