ASP namespace strong type access for dynamically loaded user control

ASP namespace strong type access for dynamically loaded user control

am 07.04.2008 16:48:12 von GJ

ASP namespace strong type access for dynamically loaded user control
(web application, not web site)

I have a user control in a web application which I dynamically load
from an aspx page as follows:
UserControl ctl = Page.LoadControl("./User Controls/
MailForwardingGrid2.ascx") as UserControl;

This works fine.

I have added 2 properties to the user control and would like to load
the strong type version of the user control in order to set the new

parameters at runtime. I would like to do something like the
ASP.usercontrols_MailForwardingGrid2_ascx ctrl =
(ASP.usercontrols_MailForwardingGrid2_ascx)Page.LoadControl( "./User

ctrl.SourceTypeID = Int32.Parse(context);
ctrl.SourceID = id;

Unfortunately, the ASP namespace is not showing my user control (the
ASP namespace is not showing up at all).

I have tried "<%@ Register ... " and "<%@ Reference ... " to no avail
as follows:

<%@ Register Src="User Controls/MailForwardingGrid2.ascx"
TagPrefix="uc1" %>
<%@ Reference Control="User Controls/MailForwardingGrid2.ascx" %>

I access user controls through the ASP namespace from web sites all
the time but the current failure is from a web application.


Here is the page from which I am attempting to access the user

<%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true"
Inherits="WebApplication1.DisplayForm" %>

<%@ Register Src="User Controls/MailForwardingGrid2.ascx"
TagPrefix="uc1" %>

<%@ Reference Control="User Controls/MailForwardingGrid2.ascx" %>

<%@ Register Assembly="DevExpress.Web.v8.1, Version=,
Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=9b171c9fd64da1d1"
Namespace="DevExpress.Web.ASPxPopupControl" TagPrefix="dxpc" %>

<%@ Register Assembly="AjaxControlToolkit"
Namespace="AjaxControlToolkit" TagPrefix="AjaxToolkit" %>">

Untitled Page


Here is the body of the user control:
namespace WebApplication1.User_Controls

public partial class MailForwardingGrid2 :
// NCR.Rads.MailForwarding.BusinessObjects.MailForwardInfoList
infoList =

NCR.Rads.MailForwarding.BusinessObjects.MailForwardInfoList. GetMailForwardInfoList(SourceContext,
MailForwardInfoList objList;

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
//objList = MailForwardInfoList.GetMailForwardInfoList(1,
objList =
MailForwardInfoList.GetMailForwardInfoList(SourceTypeID, SourceID);
gvMailForwardingTemplate.DataSource = objList;
gvMailForwardingTemplate.KeyFieldName = "InvoiceId";

private int sourceTypeID;
public int SourceTypeID
get { return sourceTypeID; }
set { sourceTypeID = value; }

private string sourceID;
public string SourceID
get { return sourceID; }
set { sourceID = value; }

//protected void CslaDataSource1_SelectMethod(object sender,
Csla.Web.SelectObjectArgs e)
// e.BusinessObject = objList;
