Using module whith name stored in variable
am 07.04.2008 09:50:10 von AlienHello all!
Can anybody tell how can I use modele which name stored in variable?
For example, I have this code:
package MyModule;
use strict;
use Exporter;
use vars qw(@ISA @EXPORT $DEBUG);
@ISA = qw/Exporter/;
@EXPORT = qw(foo);
sub foo($)
my $arg = shift;
print "MyModule foo: my arg: '$arg'\n";
return undef;
Here are the code of main programm
use strict;
my $module = '';
require $module; # load module
my $arg = 'MyArg';
# I want call procedure by full name. How I can do this?
my $mname = 'MyModule';
$mname::foo($arg); # This doesn't work!!!
exit 0;
Thanks for help