remembering parameters
am 07.04.2008 21:25:32 von Sharif Islam
I have two queries -- I pass the result of the SELECT query to a stored
procedure. The result from the SELECT query is different during every
pass and I somehow need to remember the old value and pass that to the
store procedure when next time the perl script runs. I would appreciate
some help.
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict ;
use DBI qw/:sql_types/;
my $SQL_server = "mssql" ;
my $SQL_username = "user" ;
my $SQL_password = "XXXXX" ;
my $dbh = DBI->connect("dbi:Sybase:server=$SQL_server",
{PrintError => 1});
die "Unable for connect to server $DBI::errstr" unless $dbh;
$dbh->do("use MyDatabase"); # Set the database to use.
my $last ; # this is where I would store the old value, need to
remember it from the previous run
my $qry="SELECT Col1 from Table" ;
my $sth = $dbh->prepare($qry);
$sth->execute ;
#new value
my @row = $sth->fetchrow_array ;
#stored procedure
my $sp_qry = "EXEC Stored_Procedure ?" ;
my $sth1 = $dbh->prepare($sp_qry) ;
$sth1->bind_param(1, $row[0], SQL_VARCHAR);
or die "Couldn't execute statement: " . $sth1->errstr;
print "\n";
while (my @rs = $sth1->fetchrow_array)
print "Results: $rs[0]\n" ;
$sth1->finish() ;
$dbh->disconnect() ;
Re: remembering parameters
am 07.04.2008 21:46:24 von glex_no-spam
Sharif Islam wrote:
> Hi,
> I have two queries -- I pass the result of the SELECT query to a stored
> procedure. The result from the SELECT query is different during every
> pass and I somehow need to remember the old value and pass that to the
> store procedure when next time the perl script runs. I would appreciate
> some help.
Write it to a file:
perldoc -f open
perldoc perlopentut
Or store it in a table by date, or some other relevant key, if needed,
then query the table on your next run.
Re: remembering parameters
am 07.04.2008 23:14:19 von Sharif Islam
J. Gleixner wrote:
> Sharif Islam wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I have two queries -- I pass the result of the SELECT query to a
>> stored procedure. The result from the SELECT query is different during
>> every pass and I somehow need to remember the old value and pass that
>> to the store procedure when next time the perl script runs. I would
>> appreciate some help.
> Write it to a file:
> perldoc -f open
> perldoc perlopentut
> Or store it in a table by date, or some other relevant key, if needed,
> then query the table on your next run.
thanks, the file method worked fine.
Re: remembering parameters
am 08.04.2008 00:00:36 von xhoster
Sharif Islam wrote:
> Hi,
> I have two queries -- I pass the result of the SELECT query to a stored
> procedure. The result from the SELECT query is different during every
> pass and I somehow need to remember the old value and pass that to the
> store procedure when next time the perl script runs. I would appreciate
> some help.
That is an interesting requirement. If the thing to be given to the
prepared statement on execution N is the thing returned by the select
in execution N-1, then what is to be given to the prepared statement
when N==1?
Since you are already using a database, I'd use the database to store
what needs to be stored between executions. That way you have to worry
less about what happens in case of crashes.
But most of all I'd seriously reconsider if this is really the best way
to go about solving whatever it is that I was trying to solve.
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