Stats comp.mail.sendmail (last 7 days)
am 07.04.2008 10:01:04 von Wendell Henry"Caveat: Quantity is not necessarily a measure of Quality"
Newsgroup.................: comp.mail.sendmail
Stats Were Taken..........: Mon, 07 Apr 2008 07:52:52 GMT
Stats Begin...............: Mon, 31 Mar 2008 08:41:52 GMT
Stats End.................: Mon, 07 Apr 2008 05:38:44 GMT
Days......................: 7
Total No. of Articles.....: 132
Total No. of Characters...: 376507
Total Volume..............: 367
Messages Per Day..........: 18.9
Characters Per Day........: 53786.7
Average Daily Volume......: 52 kB
Total Posters This Week...: 44
Messages with Sigs........: 34.85%
Original Content Rating...: 51.17%
Top 10 Prolific Posters: Posts / Posts per Day / Percent Share
============================================================ ==
1. Andrzej Adam Filip................................: 18 2.6 13.6%
2. Grant Taylor......................................: 12 1.7 9.1%
3. Riccardo..........................................: 9 1.3 6.8%
4. Sadsjon...........................................: 7 1.0 5.3%
5. Christian.........................................: 6 0.9 4.5%
6. Victor Sudakov....................................: 6 0.9 4.5%
7. Sciurus...........................................: 5 0.7 3.8%
8. Tilman Schmidt....................................: 5 0.7 3.8%
9. dfs...............................................: 5 0.7 3.8%
10. sgrayban..........................................: 5 0.7 3.8%
Top 10 Bandwidth-Using Posters: kBytes / kBytes per Day / Percent Share
============================================================ ===========
1. Andrzej Adam Filip................................: 59 8.4 16.1%
2. Grant Taylor......................................: 46 6.6 12.6%
3. aoberlin..........................................: 22 3.2 6.0%
4. Riccardo..........................................: 18 2.7 5.1%
5. Sadsjon...........................................: 18 2.6 5.0%
6. Victor Sudakov....................................: 17 2.6 4.9%
7. Amiri.............................................: 17 2.4 4.6%
8. Christian.........................................: 15 2.2 4.2%
9. Sciurus...........................................: 14 2.0 3.9%
10. dfs...............................................: 13 2.0 3.7%
Top 10 Popular Threads: Posts / Posts per Day / Percent Share
============================================================ =
1. Remove Internal Hops from Header..................: 18 2.6 13.6%
2. [sendmail,perl] How to catch a mailer error [perl : 11 1.6 8.3%
3. blacklisting all IPs (fwd)........: 10 1.4 7.6%
4. SMTP code is not correct..........................: 7 1.0 5.3%
5. Access.db Seems to Be Ignored.....................: 6 0.9 4.5%
6. Manage pending messages in sendmail queue.........: 6 0.9 4.5%
7. deliver mail to two mailers?......................: 6 0.9 4.5%
8. Remove Internal Hops from Header [mail loops detec: 5 0.7 3.8%
9. Two different sender addresses in one process in t: 5 0.7 3.8%
10. Debugging procmail script/filter..................: 4 0.6 3.0%
Top 10 Bandwidth-Consuming Threads: kBytes / kBytes per Day / Percent Share
============================================================ ===============
1. Remove Internal Hops from Header..................: 64 9.2 17.5%
2. blacklisting all IPs (fwd)........: 45 6.5 12.4%
3. [sendmail,perl] How to catch a mailer error [perl : 27 3.9 7.4%
4. Access.db Seems to Be Ignored.....................: 23 3.4 6.5%
5. SMTP code is not correct..........................: 16 2.4 4.5%
6. Remove Internal Hops from Header [mail loops detec: 16 2.4 4.5%
7. sendmail with smtp relay authentication...........: 15 2.2 4.3%
8. Manage pending messages in sendmail queue.........: 14 2.1 4.0%
9. deliver mail to two mailers?......................: 13 2.0 3.8%
10. Two different sender addresses in one process in t: 13 1.9 3.6%
Top 10 Original Content Ratings: (Original Bytes) / (Orig. + Quoted Bytes)
============================================================ ==============
1. Sciurus...................................................: 84.9%
2. Sadsjon...................................................: 78.1%
3. Grant Taylor..............................................: 77.5%
4. Tilman Schmidt............................................: 42.4%
5. Riccardo..................................................: 39.2%
6. dfs.......................................................: 38.9%
7. sgrayban..................................................: 32.5%
8. Christian.................................................: 28.8%
9. Andrzej Adam Filip........................................: 27.9%
10. Victor Sudakov............................................: 26.0%
Top 10 Crossposting Groups: Posts in Group
(Articles cross-posted to > 5 groups are not considered in ANY stats.)
1. comp.mail.misc.............................................. .: 7
2. comp.lang.perl.............................................. .: 1
3. comp.protocols.kerberos..................................... .: 1
End of stats for comp.mail.sendmail