Really need help on sendmail mailertable and only one email address

Really need help on sendmail mailertable and only one email address

am 08.04.2008 20:02:23 von frank69m

I use the mailertable for several of my domains to route mail to a
specific smtp host.

mailertable: smtp:[] smtp:[] smtp:[]

The problem I have is: I need a solution to route two specific email
addresses to another relay.

example: and to smtp:[]

and only those two. I want to follow the rules above and
send to []

Can anyone help with this?

Re: Really need help on sendmail mailertable and only one email address relay.

am 09.04.2008 12:11:22 von Tilman Schmidt schrieb:
> I need a solution to route two specific email
> addresses to another relay.
> example: and to smtp:[]


Don't be deterred by the four letters "ldap" in the name.
It can be used with hash databases too.

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