Downloads without the prompts?
am 11.04.2008 22:34:07 von manningfanIs it possible to download files without having to click a prompt to
do so?
I'm writing a screen-scrape program for our company, we download tons
of XLS files from government websites. I scrape all the links into a
table, then run the table through a loop to download the links.
Unfortunately I have to babysit the process and would love to just let
it run in the background.
Part of my code is as such:
Set db = CurrentDb
Set rec = db.OpenRecordset("Select * from tblLinks")
Do While rec.EOF = False
strURL = "" & rec("URL") & ""
Set objShell = CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")
Set objIE = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")
With objIE
.Visible = False
.Silent = True
.Navigate (strURL)
End With
I tried throwing a SendKeys "{Enter"} command after the End With but
it acted a bit flaky and I'm not sure if it's even right.
Any help would be appreciated.