am 11.04.2008 12:30:10 von h.m.brandfile: $CPAN/authors/id/H/HM/HMBRAND/Text-CSV_XS-0.41.tgz
size: 85570 bytes
md5: f704fb8ad057a36e7cc0fb892c0f940a
2008-04-11 0.41 - H.Merijn Brand
* error_diag () subclassable
* typo in bind_columns () docs
* examples/csv2xls now uses getline ()
* better test for getline in t/75_hashref.t (makamata)
* document return value of getline () with bind_columns ()
* add perl version prereq to META.yml
2008-04-07 0.40 - H.Merijn Brand
* Implemented getline_hr () and column_names () RT 34474
(suggestions accepted from Mark Stosberg)
* Corrected misspelled variable names in XS
* Functions are now =3Dhead2 type doc entries (Mark Stosberg)
* Make SetDiag() available to the perl level, so errors can
be centralized and consistent
* Integrate the non-XS errors into XS
* Add t/75_hashref.t
* Testcase for error 2023 (Michael P Randall)
* Completely refactored the XS part of parse/getline, which
is now up to 6% faster. YMMV
* Completed bind_columns. On straight fetches now up to three
times as fast as normal fetches (both using getline ())
2008-03-11 0.37 - H.Merijn Brand
* Copied GIT repo to public mirror
* Fix leak / make meta info available to getline () + tests