Need Help to Create Object
am 12.04.2008 09:46:43 von mtech1Access 2000
I have a check scanner from Magtek, (MicrImage) This is like a "point
of sale" check scanner/credit card reader. Magtek furnished 2 ocx's
(MTMicrImage.ocx & SaxComm8.ocx). They also give example VB code.
I need to make this work in Access. I know the following code will
require a lot of modification for VBA.
My Problem is getting started - I have copied the ocx's to the
system32 folder and registered them. I also have a reference to them
in Access.
How do I create the "Object" so I can use the methods of the ocx?
Here is the VB code Example -
************************************************************ **
Private Sub LogStatus(ByVal InfoToLog As String)
txtStatus.Text = txtStatus.Text & InfoToLog & vbCrLf
txtStatus.SelLength = 0
txtStatus.SelStart = Len(txtStatus.Text)
End Sub
Private Sub cmdClear_Click()
txtStatus.Text = ""
txtMagStripeData.Text = ""
txtFirstName.Text = ""
txtLastName.Text = ""
txtMonth.Text = ""
txtYear.Text = ""
txtTrack1.Text = ""
txtTrack2.Text = ""
txtTrack3.Text = ""
txtAccountNum.Text = ""
txtMicrData.Text = ""
txtMicrAccountNum.Text = ""
txtCheckNum.Text = ""
txtTransit.Text = ""
txtFileName.Text = ""
txtIFD.Text = ""
txtTagNum.Text = ""
txtTagOutput.Text = ""
cmdGetTagByNum.Enabled = False
cmdGetAllTags.Enabled = False
End Sub
Private Sub cmdExit_Click()
Unload Me
End Sub
Private Sub cmdGetAllTags_Click()
Dim ReturnVal As Variant
Dim FieldCount As Integer
Dim i As Integer
Dim TagNum As Long
LogStatus "Getting All Tags in file " & txtFileName.Text & ": "
ReturnVal = MicrImage.EnumTiffTags(txtFileName.Text, txtIFD.Text)
If IsArray(ReturnVal) Then
FieldCount = UBound(ReturnVal)
LogStatus "There are " & FieldCount & " Tags"
For i = 1 To FieldCount
TagNum = MicrImage.GetTiffTagNumByIndex(txtFileName.Text, i,
LogStatus " Tag # " & TagNum & "= " &
MicrImage.GetTiffTagByNumber(txtFileName.Text, TagNum, txtIFD.Text)
LogStatus "There are No Tags in IFD " & txtIFD.Text & " in file " &
End If
End Sub
Private Sub cmdGetTagByNum_Click()
LogStatus "Getting Tag By Tag Number:"
txtTagOutput.Text = MicrImage.GetTiffTagByNumber(txtFileName.Text,
txtTagNum.Text, txtIFD.Text)
End Sub
Private Sub cmdPortOpen_Click()
If Not (MicrImage.PortOpen) Then
MicrImage.CommPort = txtCommPort.Text
MicrImage.Settings = txtSettings.Text
End If
MicrImage.PortOpen = Not MicrImage.PortOpen
If MicrImage.PortOpen Then
LogStatus "Port Opened"
cmdPortOpen.Caption = "Close Port"
If MicrImage.DSRHolding Then
LogStatus "Device Attached"
'Displays Current Switch Settings
'If you use the MicrImage.Save command then these do not need to be
'every time you open the device
MicrImage.MicrTimeOut = 1
LogStatus "These are the Current Switch Settings"
LogStatus " Switch A: " & MicrImage.MicrCommand("SWA", True)
LogStatus " Switch B: " & MicrImage.MicrCommand("SWB", True)
LogStatus " Switch C: " & MicrImage.MicrCommand("SWC", True)
LogStatus " Switch D: " & MicrImage.MicrCommand("SWD", True)
LogStatus " Switch E: " & MicrImage.MicrCommand("SWE", True)
LogStatus " Switch I: " & MicrImage.MicrCommand("SWI", True)
LogStatus " Switch HW: " & MicrImage.MicrCommand("HW", True)
'Sets Switch Settings
'If you use the MicrImage.Save command then these do not need to be
'every time you open the device
MicrImage.MicrCommand "SWA 00100010", False
MicrImage.MicrCommand "SWB 00100010", False
MicrImage.MicrCommand "SWC 00100000", False
MicrImage.MicrCommand "HW 00111100", False
MicrImage.MicrCommand "SWE 00000010", False
MicrImage.MicrCommand "SWI 00000000", False
'Displays New Settings
'If you use the MicrImage.Save command then these do not need to be
'every time you open the device
LogStatus "These are the New Switch Settings:"
LogStatus " Switch A: " & MicrImage.MicrCommand("SWA", True)
LogStatus " Switch B: " & MicrImage.MicrCommand("SWB", True)
LogStatus " Switch C: " & MicrImage.MicrCommand("SWC", True)
LogStatus " Switch D: " & MicrImage.MicrCommand("SWD", True)
LogStatus " Switch E: " & MicrImage.MicrCommand("SWE", True)
LogStatus " Switch I: " & MicrImage.MicrCommand("SWI", True)
LogStatus " Switch HW: " & MicrImage.MicrCommand("HW", True)
'The OCX will work with any Micr Format. You just need to know which
'format is being used to parse it using the FindElement Method
LogStatus "Changing Format to 6200 for this Demo"
MicrImage.FormatChange "6200"
LogStatus "Version: " & MicrImage.Version
MicrImage.MicrTimeOut = 2
LogStatus "Device Not Attached"
End If
LogStatus "Port Closed"
cmdPortOpen.Caption = "Open Port"
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Load()
txtCommPort.Text = MicrImage.GetDefSetting("CommPort", "1")
txtSettings.Text = MicrImage.GetDefSetting("Settings", "115200,N,8,1")
lblCaption(0).Caption = App.ProductName
lblCaption(1).Caption = App.ProductName
End Sub
Private Sub MicrImage1_MicrDataReceived()
Dim ImagePath As String
Dim ImageFileName As String
Dim ImageIndex As String
Dim Status As Long
Dim StatusMsg As String
Dim bOpStatus As Boolean
If MicrImage.GetTrack(1) & MicrImage.GetTrack(2) &
MicrImage.GetTrack(3) <> "" Then
LogStatus "Event Fired: MagStripe Data"
txtMagStripeData.Text = MicrImage.MicrData
txtFirstName.Text = MicrImage.GetFName()
txtLastName.Text = MicrImage.GetLName()
txtMonth.Text = MicrImage.FindElement(2, "=", 2, "2", False)
txtYear.Text = MicrImage.FindElement(2, "=", 0, "2", False)
txtTrack1.Text = MicrImage.GetTrack(1)
txtTrack2.Text = MicrImage.GetTrack(2)
txtTrack3.Text = MicrImage.GetTrack(3)
txtAccountNum.Text = MicrImage.FindElement(2, ";", 0, "=", False)
LogStatus "Event Fired: Micr Data"
txtMicrData.Text = MicrImage.MicrData
txtMicrAccountNum.Text = MicrImage.FindElement(0, "TT", 0, "A", False)
txtCheckNum.Text = MicrImage.FindElement(0, "A", 0, "12", False)
txtTransit.Text = MicrImage.FindElement(0, "T", 0, "TT", False)
ImagePath = MicrImage.GetDefSetting("ImagePath", "C:\")
'This sets up and index number so that we can deal with same check
'inserted over and over. The TransmitCurrentImage Method with fail if
the file
'already exists. This is to ensure that no check image is overwritten.
By keeping
'an ImageIndex and incrementing it we ensure that the same file name
will not be
'generated below. You are free to name the file anything that is
considered to be
'a valid file name.
ImageIndex = MicrImage.GetDefSetting("ImageIndex", "0")
ImageIndex = CStr(CInt(ImageIndex) + 1)
MicrImage.SaveDefSetting "ImageIndex", ImageIndex
ImageFileName = ImagePath & "MI" & txtTransit.Text &
txtMicrAccountNum.Text & txtCheckNum.Text & ImageIndex & ".TIF"
LogStatus "Acquiring File: " & ImageFileName & " ..."
'Adding a tiff tag.
MicrImage.AddTag ("T32768=This was added by the Demo Program")
'Transmitting current image
Status = MicrImage.TransmitCurrentImage(ImageFileName, StatusMsg)
'Logging status of TransmitCurrentImage
LogStatus "TransmitCurrentImage: " & Status
If Status = "0" Then
bOpStatus = ShellEx(ImageFileName, , , , , Me.hWnd)
If bOpStatus = True Then
LogStatus "Shell Successful"
'setting up the Image Info
txtFileName.Text = ImageFileName
txtIFD.Text = "1"
txtTagNum.Text = "270"
cmdGetTagByNum.Enabled = True
cmdGetAllTags.Enabled = True
LogStatus "Shell Failed"
cmdGetTagByNum.Enabled = False
cmdGetAllTags.Enabled = False
End If
End If
End If
End Sub
Private Sub mnuAbout_Click()
frmAbout.Show vbModal
End Sub
Private Sub mnuExit_Click()
Unload Me
End Sub