Connection String on shared server- Almost there but need a little
am 13.04.2008 17:52:32 von DanWeaverUsing asp and SQLserver2005 on shared server and with connection
I am accessing the db from a page on the shared server - and trying to
use the login features of visual web developer...
I can create a new user, and login (it seems to work as I cannot login
as none registered user).
However- views do not work ie a user is directed to default page on
continue but is not recognised as being logged in- views dont function
correclty and option to login is offered etc.
Is it something to do with integrated security = false? The login
feature didnt work at all when I had it set to true (working from this
great blog: loying-a-sql-database-to-a-remote-hosting-environment-part-1 .aspx)
Any help appreciated- feel like Im almost there but would love to see
it working!
ps- here is the dafault page that logged in users are returned to:
Logged in as :
will try this on asp group too.