SSN format
am 13.04.2008 21:19:52 von Pat_RI
I have a query where I need to have the SSN appears as 123456789 instead of
123-45-6789 can someone help me with this? The table has it as 123-45-6789.
I would like to do it without running an update query with the replace
function and would also like to avoid using left,mid,right if at all
Re: SSN format
am 13.04.2008 21:28:22 von Rick Brandt
Pat_RI wrote:
> I have a query where I need to have the SSN appears as 123456789
> instead of 123-45-6789 can someone help me with this? The table has
> it as 123-45-6789. I would like to do it without running an update
> query with the replace function and would also like to avoid using
> left,mid,right if at all possible.
Use Replace() in the query...
SSNum: Replace(SSN, "-", "")
Rick Brandt, Microsoft Access MVP
Email (as appropriate) to...
RBrandt at Hunter dot com