scroll up-down

scroll up-down

am 14.04.2008 01:24:00 von ggy

Hi, I would like to create an up-down scroll to the right side of the cell in
a table. Could someone explain me step by step how can i do this. i am not an
advanced programmer. beginner, please write down step by step, don't know
html programm language. thanks a lot!

RE: scroll up-down

am 14.04.2008 21:26:01 von DanL

I think the easiest way would be to put a

in the cell that you want to
scroll. In code view locate the cell and within that place this

This is a div.

It has a set width and height, and a vertical scroll bar.

Scroll down for more


See if that does what you want. You can alter the width and height to your
needs. Alter the border color and background color to your needs also.

"ggy" wrote:

> Hi, I would like to create an up-down scroll to the right side of the cell in
> a table. Could someone explain me step by step how can i do this. i am not an
> advanced programmer. beginner, please write down step by step, don't know
> html programm language. thanks a lot!