Re: Dates on an Access Report
am 14.04.2008 21:52:12 von jmarr02sOn Mar 25, 1:46=A0pm, zufie
> On Mar 25, 12:51=A0pm, wrote:
> > On Mar 25, 10:46=A0am, zufie
> > > I am trying to fix the date fields on an Access report (txtQAStart and=
> > > txtQAStop).
> > > Is it advantageous to use a different designation for date fields such=
> > > as (FromDate and toDate)?
> > > Thanks for your ideas!
> > > Zuf
> > What is broken that you need to fix?
> > Which date fields are 'the' date fields?
> > I don't think I follow your question 100%...
> This is the criteria from the query for the field,CallDate:
> Between [Forms]![frmIBCCPLabelsReports]![txtQAStart] And [Forms]!
> [frmIBCCPLabelsReports]![txtQAStop]
> The more I think about it I believe that the source of the problem is
> not the date fields, but some other field in the query.
> Thanks,
> Zufie
Here is the SQL code:
SELECT [IBCCP Referral].[Caller ID], DCount("[Caller ID]","IBCCP
Referral","[Caller ID] <=3D " & [Caller ID]) Mod 10 AS Expr1, [IBCCP
Referral].CallDate, [IBCCP Referral].CallTaker, [IBCCP
Referral].ProviderNameNumber, [IBCCP Referral].HowHear, [IBCCP
Referral].[IRIS Referral Number], [IBCCP Referral]![First Name] & " "
& [IBCCP Referral]![Middle Initial] & " " & [IBCCP Referral]![Last
Name] AS FullName, [IBCCP Referral].LanguagePreferenceID, [IBCCP
Referral].Age, [IBCCP Referral].HomePhone, [IBCCP Referral].WorkPhone,
[IBCCP Referral].CellPhone, [IBCCP Referral].Address, [IBCCP
Referral].City, [IBCCP Referral].Zip, [IBCCP Referral].[County Code
ID], [IBCCP Agencies].Name, [IBCCP Referral].RoutineScreening, [IBCCP
Referral].Comments, [IBCCP Referral].QualityAssuarnce
Referral].AgencyID =3D [IBCCP Agencies].ID
GROUP BY [IBCCP Referral].[Caller ID], DCount("[Caller ID]","IBCCP
Referral","[Caller ID] <=3D " & [Caller ID]) Mod 10, [IBCCP
Referral].CallDate, [IBCCP Referral].CallTaker, [IBCCP
Referral].ProviderNameNumber, [IBCCP Referral].HowHear, [IBCCP
Referral].[IRIS Referral Number], [IBCCP Referral]![First Name] & " "
& [IBCCP Referral]![Middle Initial] & " " & [IBCCP Referral]![Last
Name], [IBCCP Referral].LanguagePreferenceID, [IBCCP Referral].Age,
[IBCCP Referral].HomePhone, [IBCCP Referral].WorkPhone, [IBCCP
Referral].CellPhone, [IBCCP Referral].Address, [IBCCP Referral].City,
[IBCCP Referral].Zip, [IBCCP Referral].[County Code ID], [IBCCP
Agencies].Name, [IBCCP Referral].RoutineScreening, [IBCCP
Referral].Comments, [IBCCP Referral].QualityAssuarnce
HAVING (((DCount("[Caller ID]","IBCCP Referral","[Caller ID] <=3D " &
[Caller ID]) Mod 10)=3D0) AND (([IBCCP Referral].CallDate) Between
[Forms]![frmIBCCPLabelsReports]![txtQAStart] And [Forms]!
[frmIBCCPLabelsReports]![txtQAStop]) AND (([IBCCP
ORDER BY [IBCCP Referral].[Caller ID];
I just do not get why the field, CallDate or rather query does not
return any records? The criteria for field, CallDate, in the above
query is:
Between [Forms]![frmIBCCPLabelsReports]![txtQAStart] And [Forms]!