URL Redirect Flags
am 16.04.2008 05:02:57 von ojking
Having trouble with my URL redirects. I would like to redirect from
safe.check.com to safe.mydomain.com:2200, but want to hide the port. Is
there a flag that would limit the address in the browser to
Would seriously appreciate help on this.
O. J. King
Re: URL Redirect Flags
am 16.04.2008 11:09:46 von David Wang
On Apr 15, 8:02=A0pm, "newsgroups.comcast.net"
> Having trouble with my URL redirects. =A0I would like to redirect from
> safe.check.com to safe.mydomain.com:2200, but want to hide the port. =A0Is=
> there a flag that would limit the address in the browser to
> safe.mydomain.com?
> Would seriously appreciate help on this.
> Thanks,
> O. J. King
A web server cannot "hide the port number" or "limit the address in
the browser".
Browsers are designed to show the full URL that it is browsing. Web
Servers can only tell browsers to go to different URLs. Web Servers
cannot control what the browser chooses to display in the Address bar.
The only ways to give the ILLUSION of hiding the port number:
1. Send back Frames. Browsers only display the URL of the parent
frame, not child frames, so you can send the child frame a redirect
URL with :2200 and it still won't show up in the Address bar. HOWEVER,
the browser does see URLs with :2200, so users looking through HTML
will find out.
2. Reverse Proxy access to safe.mydomain.com:2200 with another server
at safe.mydomain.com which forwards requests to safe.mydomain.com:2200