am 16.04.2008 15:49:54 von h.m.brandfile: $CPAN/authors/id/H/HM/HMBRAND/Text-CSV_XS-0.42.tgz
size: 86136 bytes
md5: 1cf4491f48965793f1e31fc74159f20f
We can do MAGIC now!
Dumping the content of a database ($dbh) table ($tbl) to CSV:
my $csv = Text::CSV_XS->new ({ binary => 1, eol => $/ });
open my $fh, ">", "$tbl.csv" or die "$tbl.csv: $!";
my $sth = $dbh->prepare ("select * from $tbl");
$csv->print ($fh, $sth->{NAME_lc});
while (my $row = $sth->fetch) {
$csv->print ($fh, $row);
close $fh;
2008-04-16 0.42 - H.Merijn Brand
* Generate META.yml myself. I won't use Build.PL
* Array-refs now accept scalars with magic:
$csv->print (*STDOUT, $sth->{NAME_lc});
* More/better examples
* Added t/76_magic.t
2008-04-11 0.41 - H.Merijn Brand
* error_diag () subclassable
* typo in bind_columns () docs
* examples/csv2xls now uses getline ()
* better test for getline in t/75_hashref.t (makamata)
* document return value of getline () with bind_columns ()
* add perl version prereq to META.yml