uninitialized value in multidimensional array
am 17.04.2008 18:06:29 von daveI've the following perl :
my @Table = ([],[],[],[]);
push ( @Table, 'text1', 'test2', 'text3','text4');
foreach my $next (@Table))
I've the following perl :
my @Table = ([],[],[],[]);
push ( @Table, 'text1', 'test2', 'text3','text4');
foreach my $next (@Table))
dave wrote:
> I've the following perl :
> my @Table = ([],[],[],[]);
> push ( @Table, 'text1', 'test2', 'text3','text4');
> foreach my $next (@Table))
> {
Nuke it from orbit.
> I've the following perl :
> my @Table = ([],[],[],[]);
> push ( @Table, 'text1', 'test2', 'text3','text4');
> foreach my $next (@Table))
> {
And your question is... ?
My blog: http://shermspace.blogspot.com
Cocoa programming in Perl: http://camelbones.sourceforge.net
In article
> I've the following perl :
> my @Table = ([],[],[],[]);
> push ( @Table, 'text1', 'test2', 'text3','text4');
> foreach my $next (@Table))
> {
That is not a valid Perl program, so I can't tell what it is you are
trying to do, or under what circumstances you are getting the error
message in your subject line.
I suggest you use Data::Dumper to see what you have in @Table:
use Data::Dumper;
print Dumper(\@Table);
It might be illuminating.
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Jim Gibson
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