Need help
am 21.04.2008 11:14:56 von tresnzui
Hello,have a problem with the following site
The site link is this
I cant make the video work, its stuck or something, should i download
higher flash? Or whats the prob?
Thanks for the help.
Re: Need help
am 21.04.2008 19:18:16 von Larry Linson
> Hello,have a problem with the following site
> The site link is this
> I cant make the video work, its stuck or something, should i download
> higher flash? Or whats the prob?
This newsgroup is devoted to Microsoft Access database software, and it is
reasonably certain that Access is not the source of your problem. You will
need to pursue your problem in a newsgroup for the software product(s) you
are using. Hint: something a little more specific than "cant make the video
work, its stuck or something" will give the people who might have an answer
for you something to work with. You may also be hindered by people's
reluctance to open an URL they don't recognize because a poster they also
don't recognize has asked it -- too many ways to pick up viruses, worms, and
other malware.
Larry Linson
Microsoft Office Access MVP