DVD form entry and search Access (2003) database

DVD form entry and search Access (2003) database

am 21.04.2008 13:10:59 von tom

Hi All
I'd like to create a half decent looking form entry and search
database for a few hundred DVDs. I've tried this myself and found
doing it difficult so I'm just using a simple form for the data entry.

Is there a slick search and form entry version online anywhere I could
ether use or modify?

Thanks, Tom

Re: DVD form entry and search Access (2003) database

am 21.04.2008 14:20:37 von u29189

Free download:

http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/templates/TC010186441033.a spx?CategoryID=CT102144001033

Microsoft MVP

Tom wrote:
>Hi All
>I'd like to create a half decent looking form entry and search
>database for a few hundred DVDs. I've tried this myself and found
>doing it difficult so I'm just using a simple form for the data entry.
>Is there a slick search and form entry version online anywhere I could
>ether use or modify?
>Thanks, Tom

Message posted via AccessMonster.com
http://www.accessmonster.com/Uwe/Forums.aspx/databases-ms-ac cess/200804/1

Re: DVD form entry and search Access (2003) database

am 22.04.2008 10:21:13 von tom

Many thanks for that - it looks just the job !

> Free download:
> http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/templates/TC010186441033.a spx?Categ...
> Chris
> Microsoft MVP