req converting video to flash video examples

req converting video to flash video examples

am 22.04.2008 15:39:29 von David Buckley

Does anyone have any example code of converting any type of video to flash
video at all using 2.0 c# web applications. God Bless

RE: req converting video to flash video examples

am 22.04.2008 21:55:01 von pbromberg

This is some instructions and code I copied from somebody's blog post and
saved. I haven't tested it, but it looks like it will get you to first base:

Step - 1

Just download FFMPEG module from the internet. The latest version of FFMPEG
will be a zip file which contains all the soorce code,
FFMPEG.exe, FLVTOOL.exe and more. Extract those files into your application
directory. FFMPEG.exe basically convert the video files into flv and
FLVTOOL insert the metadata to the flv files. So that the video files will
have all the video information.
Without the metadata the video files won't be able to stream properly.

Step -2

Assign the exepath and directories.

AppPath = Request.PhysicalApplicationPath 'Get the application path
inputPath = AppPath & "videos\org_video" 'Path of the original file
outputPath = AppPath & "videos\conv_video" 'Path of the converted file
imgpath = AppPath & "videos\thumbs" 'Path of the generated thumanails
prevpath = AppPath & "videos\preview" 'Path of the preview file

Now the main thing is the command line that executes ffmpeg.exe on the

string cmd as string = " -i """ & newPath & """ """ & outputPath & "\" & out
& """" '-i specifies the input file

Here newpath is the path of the source video file, outputpath is path of the
converted video and out is the filename.

The above command line will convert the video into flv format. Now if you
like to get high quality flv then use the following code..

Dim fileargs As String = "-i " & newPath & " -acodec mp3 -ab 64k -ac 2 -ar
44100 -f flv -deinterlace -nr 500 -croptop 4 -cropbottom 8 -cropleft 8
-cropright 8 -s 640x480 -aspect 4:3 -r 25 -b 650k -me_range 25 -i_qfactor
0.71 -g 500 " & outputPath & "\" & out & ""

The above code will generate high quality flv. Now to insert metadata into
those generated flv file use the following command line Dim filebuffer As
String = "-U """ & outputPath & "\" & out & """"

To create thumbnail use the following code.... Dim imgargs As String = " -i
""" & newPath & """ -f image2 -ss 1 -vframes 1 -s 80x60 -an """ & imgpath &
"\" & thumbnm & """"

-i = input file -f = file format -vframe = video frame -s = size
Now create a function which can execute those command line

Dim proc As New System.Diagnostics.Process()
proc.StartInfo.FileName = exepath 'Path of exe that will be
executed, only for "filebuffer" it will be "flvtool2.exe"
proc.StartInfo.Arguments = cmd 'The command which will be executed
proc.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = False
proc.StartInfo.CreateNoWindow = True
proc.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = False

Step - 3 ----
To be a success, arm yourself with the tools you need and learn how to use


"David Buckley" wrote:

> Does anyone have any example code of converting any type of video to flash
> video at all using 2.0 c# web applications. God Bless