Query for Percent Sign ("%") in Field
am 22.04.2008 00:59:43 von Smartin
Using A2003. I tried to query for records that contain a trailing '%'
symbol in a certain field but was unable to get this to work.
Knowing % is a wildcard character I tried substituting the ASCII code
equivalent, but
SELECT * FROM MyTable WHERE MyField LIKE '*' & CHR(37);
returns all records from the table (most of which do not contain the
'%' symbol).
Is there a work-around?
Re: Query for Percent Sign ("%") in Field
am 22.04.2008 14:01:28 von Roger
On Apr 21, 4:59=A0pm, Smartin wrote:
> Using A2003. I tried to query for records that contain a trailing '%'
> symbol in a certain field but was unable to get this to work.
> Knowing % is a wildcard character I tried substituting the ASCII code
> equivalent, but
> SELECT * FROM MyTable WHERE MyField LIKE '*' & CHR(37);
> returns all records from the table (most of which do not contain the
> '%' symbol).
> Is there a work-around?
this works in access97
FROM Table1
WHERE r Like "*%"
Re: Query for Percent Sign ("%") in Field
am 22.04.2008 15:48:27 von Smartin
On Apr 22, 8:01=A0am, Roger wrote:
> On Apr 21, 4:59=A0pm, Smartin wrote:
> > Using A2003. I tried to query for records that contain a trailing '%'
> > symbol in a certain field but was unable to get this to work.
> > Knowing % is a wildcard character I tried substituting the ASCII code
> > equivalent, but
> > SELECT * FROM MyTable WHERE MyField LIKE '*' & CHR(37);
> > returns all records from the table (most of which do not contain the
> > '%' symbol).
> > Is there a work-around?
> this works in access97
> FROM Table1
> WHERE r Like "*%"
Thanks for the suggestion (FYI it does not work in A2003 -- the query
returns all rows). I ended up using VBA.