Question about wwwboard perfuctory
Question about wwwboard perfuctory
am 22.04.2008 18:29:05 von bds0000
I often post to a wwwboard message board and after each of the
usernames it appears as such..
I asked the operator of the site what the numbers meant and the .4259
represents some characteristics of the computer used to post and the
7832 reprsents the IP address, or at least thats what I know from
talking to him.
Does anyone know anythign about this perfectory, or am i using the
right term.
How can i fool the message board from not knowing anythign about the
computer I am posting with?
Re: Question about wwwboard perfuctory
am 22.04.2008 19:27:56 von smallpond
On Apr 22, 12:29 pm, wrote:
> Hi
> I often post to a wwwboard message board and after each of the
> usernames it appears as such..
> Alan[7832.4259]
> I asked the operator of the site what the numbers meant and the .4259
> represents some characteristics of the computer used to post and the
> 7832 reprsents the IP address, or at least thats what I know from
> talking to him.
> Does anyone know anythign about this perfectory, or am i using the
> right term.
> How can i fool the message board from not knowing anythign about the
> computer I am posting with?
> Thanks.
The Aardvark (Orycteropus afer) ("Digging foot") is a medium-sized,
burrowing, nocturnal mammal native to Africa. It is sometimes called
"antbear", "anteater", "Cape anteater" (after the Cape of Good Hope),
"earth hog" or "earth pig". The name comes from the Afrikaans/Dutch
for "earth pig" (aarde earth, varken pig), because early settlers from
Europe thought it resembled a pig. However, the aardvark is not
closely related to the pig; rather, it is the sole recent
representative of the obscure mammalian order Tubulidentata, in which
it is usually considered to form a single variable species of the
genus Orycteropus, coextensive with the family Orycteropodidae.
Re: Question about wwwboard perfuctory
am 22.04.2008 20:59:32 von glex_no-spam wrote:
> Hi
> I often post to a wwwboard message board and after each of the
> usernames it appears as such..
> Alan[7832.4259]
> I asked the operator of the site what the numbers meant and the .4259
> represents some characteristics of the computer used to post and the
> 7832 reprsents the IP address, or at least thats what I know from
> talking to him.
> Does anyone know anythign about this perfectory, or am i using the
> right term.
> How can i fool the message board from not knowing anythign about the
> computer I am posting with?
How would we know?????????? Talk to the operator again or try a
few things on your own.
Re: Question about wwwboard perfuctory
am 23.04.2008 01:12:22 von Chris Mattern
On 2008-04-22, wrote:
> Hi
> I often post to a wwwboard message board and after each of the
> usernames it appears as such..
> Alan[7832.4259]
> I asked the operator of the site what the numbers meant and the .4259
> represents some characteristics of the computer used to post and the
> 7832 reprsents the IP address, or at least thats what I know from
> talking to him.
> Does anyone know anythign about this perfectory, or am i using the
> right term.
> How can i fool the message board from not knowing anythign about the
> computer I am posting with?
Not knowing a) what message board software is used here or b) how it
determines information about you computer (it could use any of many, many
methods), your question cannot even begin to be answered. I would
suggest talking to the site operator, although he might be curious as
to why you are so insistent on knowing how to fool the site software.
Christopher Mattern
Thank you for noticing this new notice
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Re: Question about wwwboard perfuctory
am 23.04.2008 01:19:28 von Tad J McClellan wrote:
> Hi
> I often post to a wwwboard message board and after each of the
> usernames it appears as such..
> Alan[7832.4259]
> I asked the operator of the site what the numbers meant and the .4259
> represents some characteristics of the computer used to post and the
> 7832 reprsents the IP address, or at least thats what I know from
> talking to him.
> Does anyone know anythign about this perfectory, or am i using the
> right term.
This is the Perl newsgroup.
We discuss Perl here.
Did you mean to say something that was related to Perl in some way?
> How can i fool the message board from not knowing anythign about the
> computer I am posting with?
Why do you want to fool the message board from not knowing anythign
about the computer you are posting with?
Are you planning to behave badly or something?
Tad McClellan
email: perl -le "print scalar reverse qq/moc.noitatibaher\100cmdat/"