Need direct navigation to a row in a BindingSource
am 23.04.2008 00:47:01 von RafaelSoteldoHi there:
I need to get the position of a given DataRow to navigate directly to it
with a BindingSourceNavigator.
I have a BindingNavigator and several textboxes showing each field of
a given table.
I dragged the fields from the Data Sources window to the form in the designer.
As far as I know, the BindingSource lets you move first, next, to a
position..., so, what if I need to navigate directly to a row that has a
specific value in a field (for instance, "Carl" in the field "Name" in the
DataTable "People"). I suppose I should get the row position within the
DataTable, in order to set the BindingSource.Position and have the textboxes
show each piece of information.
Moreover, what if the DataSource is a DataView with filters set, how do I
get the position of that given row within this DataView?
Please, need help...
My best regards,
Rafael Soteldo