Changing output format of checkBoxList control

Changing output format of checkBoxList control

am 24.04.2008 16:25:09 von Andy B

I have the following checkBoxList in a web page. I set the DataSource in the
code behind (shown below the control) to a Dictionary
collection. When I run the page, I get some formatting in the control that I
want to change. For this example, I get the key/value pair of the dictionary
inside of [] ([key, value]). For example:

Page output:

[Words, Just testing this thing...]

I need to make custom formatting with html and stuff. How would I do that?



public partial class _default : System.Web.UI.Page {

Contract StockContract = new Contract();

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) {

StockContract.Dictionary = new ContractDictionary();

StockContract.Dictionary.Add("Words", "Just testing this thing...");

WordList.DataSource = StockContract.Dictionary;


