pb download file on internet site
pb download file on internet site
am 24.04.2008 17:40:52 von Winston75
no errors in my code, but not downloaded file on my disk .
getstore ($url, $filename) not working? i don't know, any ideas?
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use warnings;
use LWP::UserAgent;
use LWP::Simple;
use HTML::SimpleLinkExtor;
my $base='https://username:password@www.mysite.com/index.html';
my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new(agent => 'Mozilla/4.73 [en] (X11; I;
Linux 2.2.16 i686; Nav)' );
my $req = HTTP::Request->new( GET => "${base}" );
my $res = $ua->request($req);
die $res->status_line
if not $res->is_success;
my $extractor = HTML::SimpleLinkExtor->new(); $extractor->parse($res-
my @allLinks = $extractor->links;
for (@allLinks)
if (/zip/)
my $url="https://www.mysite.com/index.html/$_";
my (@tab)=split / \ / /;
my $fileName = $tab[1];
print "downloading $fileName....";
getstore($url, $fileName);
print "Done !\n";
Re: pb download file on internet site
am 24.04.2008 17:47:14 von Peter Makholm
Winston75 writes:
> no errors in my code, but not downloaded file on my disk .
> getstore ($url, $filename) not working? i don't know, any ideas?
You don't test the return value of getstore(). This might tell you
something useful.
Re: pb download file on internet site
am 24.04.2008 17:55:35 von Winston75
On 24 avr, 17:47, Peter Makholm wrote:
> Winston75 writes:
> > no errors in my code, but not downloaded file =A0on my disk .
> > getstore ($url, $filename) not working? =A0i don't know, any ideas?
> You don't test the return value of getstore(). This might tell you
> something useful.
> //Makholm
thanks, sorry i'm newbie in perl, how to test return value of
print result?
Re: pb download file on internet site
am 24.04.2008 18:03:47 von Winston75
On 24 avr, 17:55, Winston75 wrote:
> On 24 avr, 17:47, Peter Makholm wrote:
> > Winston75 writes:
> > > no errors in my code, but not downloaded file =A0on my disk .
> > > getstore ($url, $filename) not working? =A0i don't know, any ideas?
> > You don't test the return value of getstore(). This might tell you
> > something useful.
> > //Makholm
> thanks, sorry i'm newbie in perl, how to test return value of
> getstore()??
> print result?
Ok :
getstore ($url, $filename);
print $!;
Result --> bade file descriptor !!
zip are correct and not corrupt!
Re: pb download file on internet site
am 24.04.2008 18:08:07 von Peter Makholm
Winston75 writes:
>> > no errors in my code, but not downloaded file on my disk .
>> > getstore ($url, $filename) not working? i don't know, any ideas?
>> You don't test the return value of getstore(). This might tell you
>> something useful.
> thanks, sorry i'm newbie in perl, how to test return value of
> getstore()??
The documentation will tell you that the return value of getstore() is
the HTTP response code. Reading a bit more of the LWP::Simple
documentation will show that the module also exports two functions
is_success and is_error. Use one of these functions.
my $rc = getstore($url, $filename);
if ( is_success( $rc ) {
print "Done!\n";
} else {
print "Failed with response code $rc\n";
For an even better error message you can use the status_message()
function from the HTTP::Status module.
(I suspect that you get an 401 response code which is the
code for 'Unauthorized access')
Re: pb download file on internet site
am 24.04.2008 18:09:35 von Joost Diepenmaat
Winston75 writes:
> Ok :
> getstore ($url, $filename);
> print $!;
> Result --> bade file descriptor !!
The value of $! doesn't mean anything unless you know that the last IO
operation that occorred resulted in an error. You don't know that here.
Looking at the docs for LWP::Simple, seems you need something like this:
my $rc = getstore($url,$filename);
if (is_error($rc)) {
die "Some error occurred: $rc";
Joost Diepenmaat | blog: http://joost.zeekat.nl/ | work: http://zeekat.nl/
Re: pb download file on internet site
am 24.04.2008 18:09:39 von Peter Makholm
Winston75 writes:
> getstore ($url, $filename);
> print $!;
Only assume that $! is relevant if the documentation says so, and even
when the documentation says that it is relevant it is almost always if
the called function signals an error in some way.
Re: pb download file on internet site
am 24.04.2008 18:24:59 von Winston75
On 24 avr, 18:09, Peter Makholm wrote:
> Winston75 writes:
> > getstore ($url, $filename);
> > print $!;
> Only assume that $! is relevant if the documentation says so, and even
> when the documentation says that it is relevant it is almost always if
> the called function signals an error in some way.
> //Makholm
Ok thanks, my results :
downloading file1.zip....Failed with response code 404
downloading file2.zip....Failed with response code 404
downloading file3.zip....Failed with response code 404
Re: pb download file on internet site
am 24.04.2008 19:30:24 von RedGrittyBrick
Winston75 wrote:
> On 24 avr, 18:09, Peter Makholm wrote:
>> Winston75 writes:
>>> getstore ($url, $filename);
>>> print $!;
>> Only assume that $! is relevant if the documentation says so, and even
>> when the documentation says that it is relevant it is almost always if
>> the called function signals an error in some way.
>> //Makholm
> Ok thanks, my results :
> downloading file1.zip....Failed with response code 404
> downloading file2.zip....Failed with response code 404
> downloading file3.zip....Failed with response code 404
404 means the URL is incorrect - there's no page with that path.
I'd change the print statement from
print "downloading $fileName....";
print "downloading $fileName from '$url' ....";
I expect that will identify the problem.
Re: pb download file on internet site
am 24.04.2008 22:26:49 von Chris Mattern
On 2008-04-24, Winston75 wrote:
> On 24 avr, 18:09, Peter Makholm wrote:
>> Winston75 writes:
>> > getstore ($url, $filename);
>> > print $!;
>> Only assume that $! is relevant if the documentation says so, and even
>> when the documentation says that it is relevant it is almost always if
>> the called function signals an error in some way.
>> //Makholm
> Ok thanks, my results :
> downloading file1.zip....Failed with response code 404
> downloading file2.zip....Failed with response code 404
> downloading file3.zip....Failed with response code 404
"Quoth the server, 404.
That file, it don't exist no more."
Christopher Mattern
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