am 16.05.2008 13:27:49 von mirz
Hi all,
I have following problem. I wrote script which change some values in the
excel so I used Spreadsheet::ParseExcel::SaveParser. Script works fine but when
I would like to convert this script to exe whit perl2exe I have many errors:
First of all:
Warning: Can't locate I18N/Langinfo.pm
at C:\Perl1\lib\encoding.pm line 44
@INC = C:\Perl1\site\lib, C:\Perl1\lib, .
Ok I tried find this module in ppm but I couldn't... then when I run my
script I have following errors:
PLEASE SEE THE PERL2EXE USER MANUAL UNDER "Can't locate somemodule.pm in
Can't locate Spreadsheet/ParseExcel/Workbook.pm in @INC (@INC contains:
1\USTAWI~1\Temp/p2xtmp-1992 .) at (eval 8) line 3.
...propagated at PERL2EXE_STORAGE/base.pm line 93.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at
PERL2EXE_STORAGE/Spreadsheet/ParseExcel/SaveParser.pm line 14.
Compilation failed in require at D:\perl2exe10\f.exe line 143.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at D:\perl2exe10\f.exe line 143.
Can somebody help me? This error is killing me...
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RE: Spreadsheet::ParseExcel::SaveParser
am 16.05.2008 16:39:17 von Brian Raven
mirz <> wrote:
> Hi all,
> =
> I have following problem. I wrote script which change some values in
> the excel so I used Spreadsheet::ParseExcel::SaveParser. Script works
> fine but when I would like to convert this script to exe whit
> perl2exe I have many errors: =
> =
> First of all:
> =
> Warning: Can't locate I18N/Langinfo.pm
> at C:\Perl1\lib\encoding.pm line 44
> @INC =3D C:\Perl1\site\lib, C:\Perl1\lib, .
If you look at the code that tries to load it in encoding.pm you will
see the comment "# I18N::Langinfo isn't available everywhere", so it may
not be serious. A more meaningful warning would have been better. If you
want to avoid the warning you will probably have to remove any "use
encoding" statements in your code. It may be difficult to install
I18N::Langinfo as it seems to be part of the core distribution that may
only get installed if there is support for what it need on the build
> =
> Ok I tried find this module in ppm but I couldn't... then when I run
> my script I have following errors: =
> =
> =
> PLEASE SEE THE PERL2EXE USER MANUAL UNDER "Can't locate somemodule.pm
> in @INC" =
> Can't locate Spreadsheet/ParseExcel/Workbook.pm in @INC (@INC
> contains: =
> 1\USTAWI~1\Temp/p2xtmp-1992 .) at (eval 8) line 3.
> ...propagated at PERL2EXE_STORAGE/base.pm line 93.
> BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at
> PERL2EXE_STORAGE/Spreadsheet/ParseExcel/SaveParser.pm line 14.
> Compilation failed in require at D:\perl2exe10\f.exe line 143.
> BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at D:\perl2exe10\f.exe line 143.
> =
> Can somebody help me? This error is killing me...
Did you try what the perl2exe user manual suggested? If so, what
-- =
Brian Raven =
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