httpd lib depencies

httpd lib depencies

am 13.05.2008 00:59:54 von pgollucci

Hash: SHA1

Is this close ?

The only way I found to figure this out is to unpack each http distribution
and look in 'CHANGES'

This is of use to mod_perl, so I've CC'ed them here, please drop them in
replies unless its useful.

my $matrix = {
~ 2.0.47 => { apr => '0.9.4', apu => '0.9.4', pcre => '3.0' },
~ 2.0.48 => { apr => '0.9.5', apu => '0.9.5', pcre => '3.0' },
~ 2.0.49 => { apr => '0.9.5', apu => '0.9.5', pcre => '3.0' },
~ 2.0.50 => { apr => '0.9.5', apu => '0.9.5', pcre => '3.0' },
~ 2.0.51 => { apr => '0.9.5', apu => '0.9.5', pcre => '3.0' },
~ 2.0.52 => { apr => '0.9.5', apu => '0.9.5', pcre => '3.0' },
~ 2.0.53 => { apr => '0.9.6', apu => '0.9.6', pcre => '3.0' },
~ 2.0.54 => { apr => '0.9.6', apu => '0.9.6', pcre => '3.0' },
~ 2.0.55 => { apr => '0.9.7', apu => '0.9.7', pcre => '3.0' },
~ 2.0.58 => { apr => '0.9.12', apu => '0.9.12', pcre => '3.0' },
~ 2.0.59 => { apr => '0.9.12', apu => '0.9.12', pcre => '3.0' },
~ 2.0.61 => { apr => '0.9.16', apu => '0.9.15', pcre => '3.0' },
~ 2.0.63 => { apr => '0.9.17', apu => '0.9.15', pcre => '3.0' },

~ 2.2.0 => { apr => '1.2.2', apu => '1.2.2', pcre => '5.0' },
~ 2.2.2 => { apr => '1.2.7', apu => '1.2.7', pcre => '5.0' },
~ 2.2.4 => { apr => '1.2.8', apu => '1.2.8', pcre => '5.0' },
~ 2.2.6 => { apr => '1.2.11', apu => '1.2.10', pcre => '5.0' },
~ 2.2.8 => { apr => '1.2.12', apu => '1.2.12', pcre => '5.0' },
~ };
- --
- ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------
Philip M. Gollucci (
Senior System Admin - Riderway, Inc. /
1024D/DB9B8C1C B90B FBC3 A3A1 C71A 8E70 3F8C 75B8 8FFB DB9B 8C1C

Work like you don't need the money,
love like you'll never get hurt,
and dance like nobody's watching.

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Re: httpd lib depencies

am 17.05.2008 04:32:56 von wrowe

Philip M. Gollucci wrote:
> Is this close ?
> The only way I found to figure this out is to unpack each http distribution
> and look in 'CHANGES'
> This is of use to mod_perl, so I've CC'ed them here, please drop them in
> replies unless its useful.

Well, bottom line is that httpd 2.2 -> any apr 1.2, preferably most-current.

And httpd 2.0 -> apr 0.9, again preferably most current. apr-0 changed more
times than allowed by the apr-1 rules, but even oldest httpd 2.0 releases
should still compile against it.
