ActivePerl 5.10.0 Build 1003 released

ActivePerl 5.10.0 Build 1003 released

am 17.05.2008 00:59:58 von Jan Dubois

ActiveState is pleased to announce ActivePerl 5.10.0 Build 1003, a
complete, ready-to-install Perl distribution for Windows, Mac OS X,
Linux, Solaris, and AIX.

This build is based on the release version of Perl 5.10.0.

For detailed information or to download this release, see:

New in ActivePerl 5.10.0 Build 1003

* ActivePerl::Config on Windows now dynamically sets the
$Config{ccversion} to the version of cl.exe. This allows
ExtUtils::MakeMaker to generate and embed manifest files
into extension DLL when required by the specific version of
the C compiler.

* The GCC support for Windows in ActivePerl::Config now adds the
-mms- bitfields option to the ccflags when compiling with GCC.
This forces identical struct layouts with Visual C++, which is
used to compile ActivePerl itself. This has become important
because core Perl 5.10 now uses bit-fields for some important

* On OS X the supplied script adds the
~/Library/ActivePerl/lib directory to @INC, and PPM will
install into this directory by default because the
/usr/local/ActivePerl-5.10/site/lib directory isn't writable
without sudo. Unfortunately ~/Library/ActivePerl/lib was also
used by ActivePerl 5.8, so you could end up with a mixture of
5.8 and 5.10 modules in that directory. This release uses
~/Library/ActivePerl-5.10/lib as a per-user Perl 5.10 specific
module area.

* Signal handling code would segfault with some Linux kernel and
glibc versions. This problem has been fixed.

* On Windows there is a special form of them system() function to
start processes asynchronously: system(1, $cmd). It returns the
process id instead of the exit status so that the spawning
application can eventually use waitpid() to wait for the
external process to terminate. Previous Perl releases only
returned the lower 16 bits of the process id; this version
returns all 32 bits.

* The following modules have been added to ActivePerl


The DBD::Oracle module is only included in the 32-bit releases of
ActivePerl for Windows and Linux. It does not include the Oracle
client libraries; instead it requires that either the regular
client libraries or the Oracle Instant Client is already
installed on configured on the system.

ActiveState recommends DBI and DBD::ODBC for accessing databases
using ODBC. The Win32::ODBC module continues to be provided for
backwards compatibility, but new code should exclusively use

The PPM-Repositories module supplies a list of PPM repositories
provided by sources outside ActiveState. It makes it easier to
discover and configure additional repositories in PPM. For
example you can display a list of repositories available for the
current platform with:

ppm repo suggest

Adding e.g. the University of Winnipeg repository maintained by Randy
Kobes is then as easy as:

ppm repo add uwinnipeg

The PPM-Repositories list is used by the PPM GUI client as well.

* The following modules have been updated to their latest version:

DBI upgraded from 1.601 to 1.604
HTML-Tagset upgraded from 3.10 to 3.20
LWP upgraded from 5.808 to 5.812-r1
URI upgraded from 1.35 to 1.36

* The libwin32 module collection has been replaced by its
individual modules. This will make it easier to update these
modules via PPM in the future:


------------------------------------------------------------ -----------------

Download ActivePerl 5.10.0 Build 1003 now:

Getting Started

Whether you're a first-time user or a long-time fan, our free resources
will help you get the most from ActivePerl.

Mailing list archives: Perl


Everyone is encouraged to participate in making Perl an even better

For bugs related to ActiveState use: &version=1003

For bugs related directly to Perl please use the 'perlbug' utility.


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Re: ActivePerl 5.10.0 Build 1003 released

am 17.05.2008 07:18:00 von Octavian Rasnita

Hi Jan,

I haven't tried perl 5.10.0 until now because I don't know yet if it works
with WxPerl and mod_perl... but I will do it.

But I've seen that for perl 5.8.8 I could install DBD::Oracle with ppm, and
that distribution also included the Oracle instant client.
It is OK if the latest version of ActivePerl contains only the DBD::Oracle
but not the Oracle client, but that version of DBD::Oracle that works in
perl 5.8.8 can also be installed with perl 5.10.0?
(If I remember well, I got DBD::Oracle from ActiveState's ppm repository.)

Thank you.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Jan Dubois"
To: ;
Sent: Saturday, May 17, 2008 1:59 AM
Subject: ActivePerl 5.10.0 Build 1003 released

> ActiveState is pleased to announce ActivePerl 5.10.0 Build 1003, a
> complete, ready-to-install Perl distribution for Windows, Mac OS X,
> Linux, Solaris, and AIX.
> This build is based on the release version of Perl 5.10.0.
> For detailed information or to download this release, see:
> New in ActivePerl 5.10.0 Build 1003
> ===================================
> * ActivePerl::Config on Windows now dynamically sets the
> $Config{ccversion} to the version of cl.exe. This allows
> ExtUtils::MakeMaker to generate and embed manifest files
> into extension DLL when required by the specific version of
> the C compiler.
> * The GCC support for Windows in ActivePerl::Config now adds the
> -mms- bitfields option to the ccflags when compiling with GCC.
> This forces identical struct layouts with Visual C++, which is
> used to compile ActivePerl itself. This has become important
> because core Perl 5.10 now uses bit-fields for some important
> structures.
> * On OS X the supplied script adds the
> ~/Library/ActivePerl/lib directory to @INC, and PPM will
> install into this directory by default because the
> /usr/local/ActivePerl-5.10/site/lib directory isn't writable
> without sudo. Unfortunately ~/Library/ActivePerl/lib was also
> used by ActivePerl 5.8, so you could end up with a mixture of
> 5.8 and 5.10 modules in that directory. This release uses
> ~/Library/ActivePerl-5.10/lib as a per-user Perl 5.10 specific
> module area.
> * Signal handling code would segfault with some Linux kernel and
> glibc versions. This problem has been fixed.
> * On Windows there is a special form of them system() function to
> start processes asynchronously: system(1, $cmd). It returns the
> process id instead of the exit status so that the spawning
> application can eventually use waitpid() to wait for the
> external process to terminate. Previous Perl releases only
> returned the lower 16 bits of the process id; this version
> returns all 32 bits.
> * The following modules have been added to ActivePerl
> Algorithm-Diff-1.1902
> Bit-Vector-6.4
> Carp-Clan-6.00
> Class-Accessor-0.31
> Crypt-SSLeay-0.57
> DBD-CSV-0.22
> DBD-ODBC-1.15
> DBD-Oracle-1.21
> Date-Calc-5.4
> File-HomeDir-0.69
> File-Which-0.05
> GD-2.39
> GD-Graph-1.4308
> GD-Text-0.86
> JSON-2.09
> JSON-XS-2.2
> Net-Telnet-3.03
> PPM-Repositories-0.14
> SQL-Statement-1.15
> Sub-Uplevel-0.1901
> Test-Differences-0.47
> Test-Exception-0.27
> Text-CSV_XS-0.45
> Text-Diff-0.35
> Text-Glob-0.08
> WWW-Mechanize-1.34-r1
> Win32-API-0.55
> YAML-LibYAML-0.26
> The DBD::Oracle module is only included in the 32-bit releases of
> ActivePerl for Windows and Linux. It does not include the Oracle
> client libraries; instead it requires that either the regular
> client libraries or the Oracle Instant Client is already
> installed on configured on the system.
> ActiveState recommends DBI and DBD::ODBC for accessing databases
> using ODBC. The Win32::ODBC module continues to be provided for
> backwards compatibility, but new code should exclusively use
> The PPM-Repositories module supplies a list of PPM repositories
> provided by sources outside ActiveState. It makes it easier to
> discover and configure additional repositories in PPM. For
> example you can display a list of repositories available for the
> current platform with:
> ppm repo suggest
> Adding e.g. the University of Winnipeg repository maintained by Randy
> Kobes is then as easy as:
> ppm repo add uwinnipeg
> The PPM-Repositories list is used by the PPM GUI client as well.
> * The following modules have been updated to their latest version:
> DBI upgraded from 1.601 to 1.604
> HTML-Tagset upgraded from 3.10 to 3.20
> LWP upgraded from 5.808 to 5.812-r1
> URI upgraded from 1.35 to 1.36
> * The libwin32 module collection has been replaced by its
> individual modules. This will make it easier to update these
> modules via PPM in the future:
> Win32-Clipboard
> Win32-Console
> Win32-EventLog
> Win32-File
> Win32-FileSecurity
> Win32-IPC
> Win32-Internet
> Win32-Job
> Win32-NetAdmin
> Win32-NetResource
> Win32-ODBC
> Win32-OLE
> Win32-PerfLib
> Win32-Process
> Win32-Registry
> Win32-Service
> Win32-Shortcut
> Win32-Sound
> Win32-TieRegistry
> Win32-WinError
> Win32API-File
> Win32API-Net
> Win32API-Registry
> ------------------------------------------------------------ -----------------
> Download ActivePerl 5.10.0 Build 1003 now:
> Getting Started
> ===============
> Whether you're a first-time user or a long-time fan, our free resources
> will help you get the most from ActivePerl.
> Mailing list archives:
> Perl
> Feedback
> ========
> Everyone is encouraged to participate in making Perl an even better
> language.
> For bugs related to ActiveState use:
> &version=1003
> For bugs related directly to Perl please use the 'perlbug' utility.
> Enjoy!
> _______________________________________________
> ActivePerl mailing list
> To unsubscribe:

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RE: ActivePerl 5.10.0 Build 1003 released

am 17.05.2008 08:00:03 von Jan Dubois

On Fri, 16 May 2008, Octavian Rasnita wrote:

Hi Octavian,

> It is OK if the latest version of ActivePerl contains only the DBD::Oracle
> but not the Oracle client, but that version of DBD::Oracle that works in
> perl 5.8.8 can also be installed with perl 5.10.0?

No, modules compiled for Perl 5.8 will not work under 5.10 and vice versa.

Note that the DBD::Oracle module in the PPM repository is version 1.17,
whereas the version in ActivePerl 1003 is 1.21.

We will include the same set of new and updated modules in an ActivePerl
5.8.9 release, whenever that becomes available (basically just waiting
for 5.8.9 to be released).


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Re: ActivePerl 5.10.0 Build 1003 released

am 17.05.2008 09:11:20 von Octavian Rasnita

From: "Jan Dubois"
> No, modules compiled for Perl 5.8 will not work under 5.10 and vice versa.

Ok, thank you. Does ActiveState have plans for creating a DBD::Oracle
distribution that also include the Oracle client? (Not need to be installed
by default with the perl distribution).



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RE: ActivePerl 5.10.0 Build 1003 released

am 17.05.2008 09:35:15 von Jan Dubois

On Sat, 17 May 2008, Octavian Rasnita wrote:
> Ok, thank you. Does ActiveState have plans for creating a DBD::Oracle
> distribution that also include the Oracle client? (Not need to be
> installed by default with the perl distribution).

You can download the Oracle Instant Client (or the full client) directly
from the Oracle website: ient/index.html

You will need to create an account on their site, and agree to the license
agreement, which makes this a little more work than I would like, but otherwise
it is straight-forward. I don't see any point in us distributing the same
client from the ActiveState website.

And even the instant client is way too large to include it in the default
ActivePerl distribution.


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Problems with DBD::mysql on a Mac

am 19.05.2008 17:38:16 von Eric Robertson

I've installed ActivePerl 5.8.8 on my MacBook Pro with OS X Leopard (in
/usr/local/ActivePerl-5.8/bin) and I had everything working as it should.
I've also installed MAMP so that I can get PHP and MySQL running, with some
virtual hosts, and these are also running OK.

I've just started on a project that requires access to a MySQL database and
so I need the DBD::mysql driver. I've used PPM to install this - version
3.002 was offered - and it installed OK. However when I try to get a
database handle I get the following message:

"install_driver(mysql) failed: Can't load
'/Users/ericrobertson/Library/ActivePerl/lib/auto/DBD/mysql/ mysql.bundle'
for module DBD::mysql:
dlopen(/Users/ericrobertson/Library/ActivePerl/lib/auto/DBD/ mysql/mysql.bund
le, 1): no suitable image found. Did find:

/Users/ericrobertson/Library/ActivePerl/lib/auto/DBD/mysql/m ysql.bundle:
unknown file type, first eight bytes: 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00
0x00 at /usr/local/ActivePerl-5.8/lib/ line 233.
at (eval 72)[/usr/local/ActivePerl-5.8/lib/] line 3
Compilation failed in require at (eval
72)[/usr/local/ActivePerl-5.8/lib/] line 3.
Perhaps a required shared library or dll isn't installed where expected."

I see that at L.html there's a
reference to the CPAN distribution of version 2.1004 of that module which in
the Known Problems mentions a somewhat similar error message due to a
problem with the linker flags and libmysqlclient and I wondered if this had
any relevance to my problem since the MAMP mysql will not be in a standard

Can someone please suggest what I need to do to resolve this problem.


Eric Robertson

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