SSH auth problem
am 13.07.2008 10:30:05 von alexander.lopata
It seems that sshd does not see authorized_keys file in my home folder.
What I've done is put my openSSH public key in %h/.ssh/authorized_keys
and configure my ssh client to use corresponding private key. But SSH
still ask password. What can be wrong ?
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Re: SSH auth problem
am 14.07.2008 03:31:48 von Rick Ellis
In article <>,
alexander.lopata wrote:
>It seems that sshd does not see authorized_keys file in my home folder.
>What I've done is put my openSSH public key in %h/.ssh/authorized_keys
>and configure my ssh client to use corresponding private key. But SSH
>still ask password. What can be wrong ?
That's usually caused by the permissions on the .ssh director or the
permissions on the authorized_keys file. Make sure neither are accessable
to anybody other than the user that owns them.
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Re: SSH auth problem
am 14.07.2008 12:23:58 von Axl Purushu
In such cases debuging or verbose logging on client side helps. I had
faced such issues and did the following from the client machine
# ssh -v
It will show exactly where it is failing.
If that is not sufficient in fixing the problem. You can do debuging
from the ssh server side.
# sshd -D -d -p 2222
The above command will start ssh on port 2222 (assuming that u need ssh
on port 22 for remote troubleshooting) without going into background and
in debug mode
Then on client side use
# ssh -v -p2222
It will show exactly which file permission is wrong or sshd is looking
for which file exactly. Then you can make appropriate changes.
The above commands help in troubleshooting any ssh issues i believe.
On Mon, 2008-07-14 at 01:31 +0000, Rick Ellis wrote:
> In article <>,
> alexander.lopata wrote:
> >It seems that sshd does not see authorized_keys file in my home folder.
> >What I've done is put my openSSH public key in %h/.ssh/authorized_keys
> >and configure my ssh client to use corresponding private key. But SSH
> >still ask password. What can be wrong ?
> That's usually caused by the permissions on the .ssh director or the
> permissions on the authorized_keys file. Make sure neither are accessable
> to anybody other than the user that owns them.
> --
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