Internet Radio Broadcasting ...?

Internet Radio Broadcasting ...?

am 21.07.2008 11:24:03 von Brian Schau


So, I am faced with this challenge ... Create a server running
Apache2 on linux. The server will host a webpage with a link
to a radio stream. When an internet user clicks on the link the
users media player should open and start stream the audio
content. Format here is undecided, so whatever fits the bill ... :-)
The above is probably the easy part - now the hard part.
On the "inside" there will be one speaker who will speak in a
microphone (preferably on a Windows platform :-/) and the resulting
mp3 stream (or whatever, format is undecided) should be streamed to
the internet using the above (or similar) setup.
All this should be done preferably in realtime.

I've looked at icecast but I am not sure it is the best way to go as I
don't know who "realtime" it can be made? I am pretty
sure that the windows client can record to mp3 but what will happen if
the speaker pauses and icecast reaches the
current end of the file? Will it break the connection to the clients?

Are there better systems than this?

.... and are this list the best list to ask these kind of questions?
(Linux Admins seems to be sensible and knowledgeable
dudes, so I will take my chance here ;-)

Best regards,
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Re: Internet Radio Broadcasting ...?

am 21.07.2008 20:19:10 von Brian Schau

Hi - I wasn't aware of the DNAS plugin! It looks promising. I can certainly
live with a 10 seconds delay :-)

Thanks for the input!

On Mon, Jul 21, 2008 at 5:43 PM, wrote:
> If you use SHOUTcast you can choose to stream pre-recorded mp3s via a
> windows or linux server, or you can do real-time streaming via the SHOUTcast
> DNAS plugin on winamp. The system encodes in real-time to MP3 or AAC+. You
> can get away with decent quality AAC+ streams at 64kbit or ok quality MP3
> streams at 128-160kbit. Doing AAC+ limits you to streaming to only certain
> media players though. So a lot of people will usually set up both an AAC+
> and an MP3 stream so that they can cut bandwidth costs for those who have
> winamp/vlc/mplayer/etc installed.
> The SHOUTcast DNAS plugin for winamp doesn't care what the source of the
> broadcast is, you can select line-in, soundcard, files, etc. I think there
> is about a 10 second delay caused by encoding + transmission to the
> SHOUTcast server.
> Hope that helps point you in the right direction a little.
> --Michael
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Brian Schau
> To:
> Sent: Mon, 21 Jul 2008 5:24 am
> Subject: Internet Radio Broadcasting ...?
> Hiya,
> So, I am faced with this challenge ... Create a server running
> Apache2 on linux. The server will host a webpage with a link
> to a radio stream. When an internet user clicks on the link the
> users media player should open and start stream the audio
> content. Format here is undecided, so whatever fits the bill ... :-)
> The above is probably the easy part - now the hard part.
> On the "inside" there will be one speaker who will speak in a
> microphone (preferably on a Windows platform :-/) and the resulting
> mp3 stream (or whatever, format is undecided) should be streamed to
> the internet using the above (or similar) setup.
> All this should be done preferably in realtime.
> I've looked at icecast but I am not sure it is the best way to go as I
> don't know who "realtime" it can be made? I am pretty
> sure that the windows client can record to mp3 but what will happen if
> the speaker pauses and icecast reaches the
> current end of the file? Will it break the connection to the clients?
> Are there better systems than this?
> ... and are this list the best list to ask these kind of questions?
> (Linux Admins seems to be sensible and knowledgeable
> dudes, so I will take my chance here ;-)
> Best regards,
> Brian
> --
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