PerlAuthnHandler how to keep the username and password for
am 26.08.2008 18:06:27 von Yuan ZhangHi,
I am new to mod_perl, and this has puzzled me for quite some time. I will =
appreciate any thoughts/ideas/input on how to do this.
I used mod_perl to write a customized module of perlAuthnHandler. my =
handler is trying to access some third party database for authentication, =
get back the username and password, and keep them with the apache server =
so that later I could retrieve the username and password using HttpServletR=
equest in my java code.
I've tried=20
$r->set_basic_credentials($username, $passwd);
to send the username and password back, but it didn't work.
Also when I return , should I use POST or GET method?
Thanks a lot!