ActiveState releases ActivePerl and ActivePerl

ActiveState releases ActivePerl and ActivePerl

am 06.09.2008 00:07:12 von Jan Dubois

ActiveState is pleased to announce ActivePerl 5.8.8 build 824 and
ActivePerl 5.10.0 Build 1004, complete, ready-to-install Perl
distributions for Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, Solaris, and AIX.

For detailed information or to download these releases, see:

On Windows and Linux (both 32 and 64-bit) these releases will use
the new and more comprehensive PPM repositories found at

New in ActivePerl 5.10.0 Build 1004

* Fix for File::Path::rmtree symlink attack (CVE-2008-2827).

* PPM v4.3 is now included. This version of PPM should be
considerable faster at parsing the package.xml file and in
updating the local database. This version also supports installing
packages from .ppmx files.

* Tweaks to make the CPAN shell less noisy.

* The tkkit libraries used by the Tkx module have been updated with
the latest changes from ActiveTcl 8.5.4.

* The openssl library linked into the C module has been
updated to version 0.9.8h (was 0.9.8g). This upgrade fixes two
security flaws; see
(CVE-2008-0891 and CVE-2008-0891).

* The following modules have been added to ActivePerl:

BSD-Resource 1.2901
File-Next 1.02
HTML-Template 2.9
mylib 1.02

* The following bundled modules have been updated to their latest

bignum 0.22 to 0.23
CGI 3.29 to 3.41
Compress-Raw-Zlib 2.008 to 2.012
Compress-Zlib 2.008 to 2.012
Data-Dump 1.08 to 1.11
DBD-ODBC 1.15 to 1.16
DBI 1.604 to 1.607
Digest-SHA 5.45 to 5.47
File-HomeDir 0.69 to 0.80
Font-AFM 1.19 to 1.20
HTML-Stream 1.55 to 1.59
IO-Compress-Base 2.008 to 2.012
IO-Compress-Zlib 2.008 to 2.012
IO-Zlib 1.07 to 1.09
JSON 2.09 to 2.12
JSON-XS 2.2 to 2.2222
libwww-perl 5.812 to 5.814
Math-BigInt 1.88 to 1.89
Math-BigInt-FastCalc 0.16 to 0.19
Math-BigRat 0.21 to 0.22
Math-Complex 1.37 to 1.54
Pod-Simple 3.05 to 3.07
PPM-Repositories 0.14 to 0.15
Tcl 0.89 to 0.95
Test-Differences 0.47 to 0.48
Text-CSV_XS 0.45 to 0.52
Thread-Queue 2.00 to 2.11
Thread-Semaphore 2.01 to 2.09
threads 1.67 to 1.71
threads-shared 1.14 to 1.26
Time-HiRes 1.9711 to 1.9715
Time-Piece 1.12 to 1.13
Tkx 1.04 to 1.05
URI 1.36 to 1.37
version 0.74 to 0.76
Win32-Clipboard 0.53 to 0.55
Win32-Console 0.08 to 0.09
Win32-EventLog 0.075 to 0.076
Win32-FileSecurity 1.05 to 1.08
Win32-Internet 0.082 to 0.084
Win32-Job 0.02 to 0.03
Win32-NetAdmin 0.09 to 0.11
Win32-NetResource 0.054 to 0.055
Win32-ODBC 0.033 to 0.034
Win32-Pipe 0.023 to 0.024
Win32-Process 0.12 to 0.14
Win32-Registry 0.08 to 0.10
Win32-Shortcut 0.06 to 0.07
Win32-Sound 0.47 to 0.49
Win32-WinError 0.02 to 0.03
Win32API-Registry 0.29 to 0.30
YAML-LibYAML 0.26 to 0.27

New in ActivePerl 5.8.8 Build 824

* Many updates and bug fixes in the Perl internals have been applied.
See the Changes file in the source distribution for the complete

* Minimum system requirements have been changed: Windows 2000 and
later are supported Windows versions and Solaris 2.8 is the minimum
Solaris version.

* PPM v4.3 is now included. This version of PPM should be
considerable faster at parsing the F file and in
updating the local database. This version also supports installing
packages from .ppmx files.

* ActivePerl::Config on Windows now dynamically sets the
$Config{ccversion} to the version of cl.exe. This allows
ExtUtils::MakeMaker to generate and embed manifest files into
extension DLL when required by the specific version of the C

* The tkkit libraries used by the Tkx module have been updated with
the latest changes from ActiveTcl 8.5.4.

* CVE-2006-4484 has been addressed in Tk.

* On OS X the supplied script adds the
~/Library/ActivePerl/lib directory to @INC, and PPM will install
into this directory by default because the
/usr/local/ActivePerl-5.8/site/lib directory isn't writable without
'sudo'. Unfortunately ~/Library/ActivePerl/lib was also used by
ActivePerl 5.10, so you could end up with a mixture of 5.8 and 5.10
modules in that directory. This release uses
~/Library/ActivePerl-5.8/lib as a per-user Perl 5.8 specific module

* On Windows there is a special form of them system() function to
start processes asynchronously: system(1, $cmd). It returns the
process id instead of the exit status so that the spawning
application can eventually use waitpid() to wait for the external
process to terminate. Previous Perl releases only returned the
lower 16 bits of the process id; this version returns all 32 bits.

* The following modules have been added to ActivePerl 5.8.8:

Algorithm-Diff 1.1902
Bit-Vector 6.4
BSD-Resource 1.2901
Carp-Clan 6.00
Compress-Raw-Zlib 2.012
Class-Accessor 0.31
Crypt-SSLeay 0.57
Date-Calc 5.4
DBD-CSV 0.22
DBD-Oracle 1.21
Digest-SHA 5.47
ExtUtils-CBuilder 0.24
File-HomeDir 0.80
File-Next 1.02
File-Which 0.05
GD 2.39
GDGraph 1.4308
GDTextUtil 0.86
HTML-Template 2.9
IO-Compress-Base 2.012
IO-Compress-Zlib 2.012
JSON 2.12
JSON-XS 2.2222
Module-Build 0.2808_01
mylib 1.02
Net-Telnet 3.3
Pod-Escapes 1.04
Pod-Simple 3.07
PPM-Repositories 0.15
SQL-Statement 1.15
Sub-Uplevel 0.1901
Test-Differences 0.48
Test-Exception 0.27
Text-CSV_XS 0.52
Text-Diff 0.35
Text-Glob 0.08
Time-Piece 1.13
version 0.76
WWW-Mechanize 1.34

The DBD::Oracle module is only included in the 32-bit releases of
ActivePerl for Windows and Linux. It does not include the Oracle
client libraries; instead it requires that either the regular client
libraries or the Oracle Instant Client is already installed and
configured on the system.

ActiveState recommends DBI and DBD::ODBC for accessing databases
using ODBC. The Win32::ODBC module continues to be provided for
backwards compatibility, but new code should exclusively use

The PPM-Repositories module supplies a list of PPM repositories
provided by sources outside ActiveState. It makes it easier to
discover and configure additional repositories in PPM. For example
you can display a list of repositories available for the current
platform with:

ppm repo suggest

Adding e.g. the University of Winnipeg repository maintained by Randy
Kobes is then as easy as:

ppm repo add uwinnipeg

The PPM-Repositories list is used by the PPM GUI client as well.

* The following bundled modules have been updated to their latest

Archive-Tar 1.32 to 1.38
bignum 0.22 to 0.23
CGI 3.29 to 3.41
Compress-Zlib 1.4201 to 2.012
Data-Dump 1.08 to 1.11
DBI 1.58 to 1.605
Font-AFM 1.19 to 1.20
HTML-Stream 1.55 to 1.59
HTML-Tagset 3.10 to 3.20
IO-Zlib 1.04 to 1.09
libwww-perl 5.808 to 5.814
Math-BigInt 1.82 to 1.89
Math-BigInt-FastCalc 0.15 to 0.19
Math-BigRat 0.18 to 0.22
Math-Complex 1.37 to 1.54
perl-ldap 0.34 to 0.36
Tcl 0.89 to 0.95
Thread-Queue 2.00 to 2.11
Thread-Semaphore 2.01 to 2.09
threads 1.63 to 1.71
threads-shared 1.12 to 1.26
Time-HiRes 1.9707 to 1.9715
Tkx 1.04 to 1.05
URI 1.35 to 1.37
XML-Parser 2.34 to 2.36
XML-Simple 2.16 to 2.18

* The libwin32 module collection has been replaced by its individual
modules, each of which has been updated to the latest version from

Win32-Clipboard 0.55
Win32-Console 0.09
Win32-EventLog 0.076
Win32-File 0.06
Win32-FileSecurity 1.08
Win32-Internet 0.84
Win32-IPC 1.07
Win32-Job 0.03
Win32-NetAdmin 0.11
Win32-NetResource 0.56
Win32-ODBC 0.034
Win32-OLE 0.1709
Win32-PerfLib 0.06
Win32-Pipe 0.024
Win32-Process 0.14
Win32-Registry 0.10
Win32-Service 0.06
Win32-Shortcut 0.07
Win32-Sound 0.49
Win32-TieRegistry 0.25
Win32-WinError 0.03
Win32API-File 0.1001
Win32API-Net 0.12
Win32API-Registry 0.30

Known Issues

ActivePerl on Unix (all platforms but Windows) is not
compatible with the latest version of the Perl Dev Kit, PDK 7.2.
Please stay with ActivePerl until PDK 7.3 has been
released if you want to use ActivePerl 5.8.8 with PDK 7.

Getting Started

Whether you're a first-time user or a long-time fan, our free resources
will help you get the most from ActivePerl.

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For bugs related directly to Perl please use the 'perlbug' utility.


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RE: ActiveState releases ActivePerl and ActivePerl

am 06.09.2008 19:59:57 von Jan Dubois

On Sat, 06 Sep 2008, Sisyphus wrote: On Sat, 06 Sep 2008, "Jan Dubois"
> > ActiveState is pleased to announce ActivePerl 5.8.8 build 824 and
> > ActivePerl 5.10.0 Build 1004, complete, ready-to-install Perl
> > distributions for Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, Solaris, and AIX.
> >
> I'm having a spot of bother with the 1004 x64 zip (AS package) at
> 586c-86f5-413b-a4d9-8bd60d0e4b5f
> The download provides me with a 128 kb file which, when I try to
> unzip, produces the following error:

Your download must have been interrupted. I just downloaded from the link
you provided above and received a zip file of 16,004,631 bytes that unzipped
without problems.


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