Fwd: [ANN] ApacheCon US and OFBiz Symposium: Early Bird Discount Expires on 3-Oct

Fwd: [ANN] ApacheCon US and OFBiz Symposium: Early Bird Discount Expires on 3-Oct

am 27.09.2008 01:40:05 von sebb

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: ApacheCon US 2008
Date: 26 Sep 2008 17:05
Subject: [ANN] ApacheCon US and OFBiz Symposium: Early Bird Discount
Expires on 3-Oct
To: announce@apachecon.com, announce@apache.org

ApacheCon US 2008: Open. To Just About Everything!
November 3-7, 2008 -- New Orleans, Louisiana

All ApacheCon Early Bird discounts *expire* at midnight (eastern) on
Friday, October 3rd, so be sure to register now! Be sure to use the
ApacheCon registration code of 'Special' if you are also booking two
or more nights at the Sheraton conference hotel: note that the
conference room rate discount is only good through October 12th.

Looking for other ways to participate in ApacheCon? We've got plenty!

- The Call for Papers for ApacheCon EU 2009, to be held March 23rd -
27th, 2009, in Amsterdam, will be opening very shortly. Note this
will be a short CFP, so get your submissions started now.

- Submit a Birds Of A Feather session for ApacheCon US 2008 - held on
Wednesday and Thursday evenings.

- Sign up to participate in BarCamp Apache - be sure to sign up
separately on the wiki to reserve your spot to participate in this
unconference event on Tuesday.

- Are you working on an Apache Incubator project? Submit your title
and abstract to the organizers for a chance to give a short 15 min
Fast Feather Talk during the conference.

- When booking your travel consider staying an extra day afterwards,
to join our Voluntourisim event on the following Saturday, November
8th. We'll be working with a local New Orleans non-profit group to
help work on the city.

ApacheCon US 2008: A week of Open Source at it's best!

Hackathon | BarCampApache | OFBiz Symposium | Hadoop Camp
In-Depth Trainings | Multi-Track Sessions | BOFs | Business Panel
Lightning Talks | Receptions | Fast Feather Track | Expo... and more!

- Shane Curcuru & The ApacheCon US 2008 Team
http://www.us.apachecon.com/ 3-7 November -- New Orleans, Louisiana